United Nations Common Country Analysis for The Republic of Moldova (UN CCA) Data Dashboard - updae data
The UN Common Country Analysis (CCA) Data Dashboard has been updated and contains new features such as:
- EU Comparative Insights: Life expectancy and R&D expenditure charts now feature added comparative data from EU countries.
- Poverty Rate: Newly disaggregated data by age, area, and region
- MSMEs economic impact: MSMEs' impact on economy with data on employee share in total employment, contribution to GDP, and their private sector share.
- Plastic Waste Trends (2019-2021): Waste dynamics with data disaggregated by waste collected, generated, and recovered.
- Infrastructure Tab: A new section detailing regional access to 17 basic services with a chart disaggregated by year and a heatmap, water quality from urban and rural aqueducts.
The United Nations Common Country Analysis for The Republic of Moldova (UN CCA) provides an in-depth analysis of the country’s socio - economic development and political context, along with critical challenges and root causes.
The Dashboard was developed by the Resident Coordinator Office of UN Moldova and is currently available in English language.