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WFP welcomes funding from the United Kingdom to support vulnerable families in Moldova

21 iulie 2022

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomes a £5 million contribution from the United Kingdom to support the provision of emergency cash to Moldovan families hosting refugees affected by the conflict in neighboring Ukraine.

“This contribution from the British Government sends an important message to the international community, of the urgency to come together and support the government and crises-affected populations in Moldova,” said Douglas Mercado, Emergency Coordinator for WFP Moldova. “The government and people of Moldova have welcomed refugees from Ukraine and provided for their basic needs, but the impact of rapidly rising food and fuel prices is increasing the vulnerability not only of refugees, but also of the Moldovan host families. “

WFP has been present in Moldova since March 2022. WFP’s operations began with the delivery of life-saving assistance to refugees affected by the conflict in neighboring Ukraine as well as vulnerable Moldovan communities hosting refugees. During a first round of assistance from WFP, 10,500 Moldovan households received cash assistance equal to US$190 to help with food and other essential needs. At least two more rounds of cash transfers to Moldovan households hosting Ukrainian refugees will be issued between July and September this year. In addition, WFP and Cooperating Partners have been providing hot meals to refugees living at the Refugees Accommodation Centres (RACs). As of June 2022, more than half a million hot meals have been delivered in locations throughout the country. This represents an average of about 2,000 people per day.

Going forward, WFP will continue to support the government with the emergency response to the conflict, while gearing up efforts to address the increasing needs of vulnerable Moldovans through programmes designed to address the impacts of rapidly rising prices of food, fuel and other basic needs.

The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change.

irina odobescu

Monica Vazquez

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World Food Programme

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