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Positive champions were awarded for advancing human rights

17 decembrie 2016

  • Survivors of violence, the “positive champions” had a face-to-face discussion with members of the Government during the final event of the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence’ national Campaign. The event was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova. Organised by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family jointly with UN Women Moldova (United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women), this event gathered representatives of the Government, development partners, civil society, and for the first time, survivors of violence who are currently helping other women to get out of the vicious circle of violence.

“To overcome the violence, women should first surpass the fear. They can make it, if they understand that there are people who care and that they are supported. We must all join our efforts and support them”, said Maria Scorodinschi, a positive champion, survivor of domestic violence from Drochia.

Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega addressed the positive champions: “Your presence here proves that things have started to move. We will fight along with all you in order to overcome violence.”

“This is a distinct and unique event. We are by the side of these distinguished ladies — the positive champions, who managed to transform their pain into victory, and their fear into strength and opportunity. Few people have enough sincerity and courage to overcome and eventually transform their pain into power of persuasion and help others overcome their problems”, stated Anatol Mamaliga, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family.

Ulziisuren Jamsran, UN Women Country Representative in Moldova, spoke about the innovative approaches and practices aimed at fighting and preventing domestic violence.

“The survivors of violence decided to call themselves ‘positive champions’. The concept comes from the idea that people who have experienced directly a certain problem they are the ones who can come up with solutions. In this context, it is important to listen to the voice of women, who experienced violence and managed to fight it and overcome the stigma”.

During the event decision makers, development partners and the civil society representatives had the opportunity to learn about the experiences of the positive champions who managed to help other 600 women from their communities in just a few months.

With respect to this mission, Maia Țăran, a survivor of domestic violence from Causeni, says that information is crucial in fighting this phenomenon. “I started studying by myself. I learned some things from books and others from my life experience. As we all had similar stories, the women who I was working with started to trust me.”

Domestic violence is not characteristic only for rural communities. Natalia Bencheci, a positive champion form Chisinau, spoke about her activity in the capital city and in the city’s suburbs with 140 women facing violence. “I wanted to help other women through my personal example, because I want to help women who experience the same pain as I did, to break the silence and make the first steps towards a happier life”.

The positive champion’s contribution to advancing human rights was recognized with diplomas of gratitude, handed by representatives of the Government, local and international organisations, and by the Embassy of Sweden in Moldova.

The “16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence” campaign started on 25 November on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ended on 10 December on the International Human Rights Day. During the campaign, more than 100 activities were initiated in communities all over the country, including working groups with the police, art exhibitions, discussions in local communities, awareness raising activities organised by young people, and performances of the M.A.D.E. theatre.

Agențiile ONU implicate în această acțiune

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Obiectivele pe care le susținem prin această acțiune