23 mai 2023 - 15 decembrie 2027
The Moldova 2030 Partnership Fund
The Moldova 2030 Partnership Fund is a pooled funding instrument that finances multi agency projects aligned with the UNSDCF 2023 – 2027. The Fund is co-chaired by the State Chancellery and the RC with the RCO serving as the Secretariat and acting as the main liaison between the MPTF Office, participating organizations and other stakeholders.
Agențiile ONU implicate în această acțiune
UNObiective de Dezvoltare Durabilă
Informație de contact
veaceslav.palade@un.orgDespre campanie
Inter-agency pooled funds are an important instrument to support UN reform and promote collaboration and efficient coordination across the UNDS. Gathering together stakeholders and pooling funds for the purposes of a thematic or country strategy allows for greater flexibility and coordination in achieving SDG implementation.
The thematic focus of the Moldova 2030 Partnerships Fund is aligned to the first two strategic priorities of the new UNSDCF 2023-2027 for Moldova. Fund stakeholders—government partners, private sector, academia, local organizations and the United Nations—support acceleration of the European Union accession process by aligning actions with the 2030 Agenda framework and supporting synergetic opportunities between the two transformational agendas:
- Outcome 1: By 2027, institutions deliver human rights-based, evidence-informed and gender-responsive services for all, with a focus on those who are left behind.
- Outcome 2: By 2027, more accountable and transparent, human rights-based and gender-responsive governance empowers all people of Moldova to participate in, and contribute to, development processes.
The overall strategy of the Fund is guided by United Nations development system reform guidelines and drive to strengthen system-wide coherence, as well as promote integrated solutions for more strategic and transformative support to national, priority development needs. The theory of change for the Moldova 2030 SDGs Partnership Fund II follows the rationale that IF a framework for value-based contributions is created alongside strategic partners, and IF a funding mechanism is established for interventions that accelerate implementation of the UNSDCF 2023-2027, implementation of the National Development Strategy “European Moldova 2030” and European Union accession efforts, and IF more opportunities and means are created for the United Nations and development partners to jointly address complex development and humanitarian challenges, THEN the priority development needs of Moldova can be addressed more strategically, which includes filling critical development gaps and providing holistic and advanced support to the government and people to deliver on reform commitments towards the European Union membership and achievement of SDGs.
More information about the Moldova 2030 Partnerships Fund Phase II can be found HERE.
Moldova 2030 Partnerships Fund Phase II, Terms of Reference.