The Republic of Moldova - United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 (UNSDCF)

The Government of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations are committed to working together to achieve the national development priorities, the Sustainable Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals and treaty obligations.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework tailors the responses to national priorities, ensuring that all United Nations entities can effectively support national implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Building on the successes of our past cooperation, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework will guide the joint work of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations system from 2023 until 2027.
The collective results expected from this Cooperation Framework will help the Republic of Moldova become a more prosperous and resilient country, with strong participative democratic institutions, green development and equal opportunities for all, in line with the overarching aim of the Sustainable Development Goals of “Leaving No One Behind”.