Ukraine Refugee Response in Moldova: Gender Task Force 2022 Year in Review

The Gender Task Force (GTF) is a network of actors working to mainstream gender across the Refugee Response in the Republic of Moldova (Moldova) with the aim of ensuring that all persons in Moldova affected by the Ukrainian refugee crisis of ensuring that all persons in Republic of Moldova affected by the Ukrainian refugee crisis, have equitable access to quality and targeted humanitarian assistance, and can meaningfully participate in an equitable, effective, and efficient response.
The GTF is mandated by the Government of Moldova and UNHCR, as part of the Refugee Coordination Structure under the Refugee Coordination Model, which provides the overarching framework for humanitarian coordination. Humanitarian actors have an obligation to promote gender equality through humanitarian actions in line with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) ‘Gender Equality Policy Statement’ (2008), the IASC Policy and Accountability Framework on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Action (2017), the Agenda for Humanity from the World Humanitarian Summit (2016), and the Grand Bargain. Humanitarian actors also have an obligation to support women’s and girls’ protection, participation and empowerment through targeted actions, as articulated in the Women, Peace and Security thematic agenda as outlined in United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
The Annual Report aims to take stock of the results achieved by the GTF, show the impact that individual GTF members and the collective made on the response, acknowledge gaps and identify how to best focus shared efforts moving forward.