Report of the Secretary-General on implementation of General Assembly resolution 75/233 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system

The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 72/279, 75/233 and 77/184, provides an update on the system-wide implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review and the reform of the United Nations development system. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 76/4, the report also provides an update on the progress made in implementing the review of the resident coordinator system.
Amid setbacks and reversals at the halfway point to the target date of 2030 for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the report addresse s how the United Nations development system supported countries in strengthening transformative policies to accelerate progress towards the Goals.
The report also examines progress made in delivering on the pledge of leaving no one behind, including critic al support provided by the United Nations development system to youth, women and girls, and persons with disabilities. Scaling up means of implementation to advance the Goals is detailed in the report, with an analysis of the development system offer to boost financing for development, catalyse partnerships and harness science, technology and innovation.
The report pays special attention to the support provided to the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, as well as to middle-income countries. It identifies high, and rising, levels of satisfaction * A/78/50. A/78/72 E/2023/59 2/59 23-07547 among Member States with the alignment of the United Nations development system with national needs and priorities.
The report also addresses progress made in strengthening the United Nations development system’s oversight, system-wide evaluations and results-based management and reporting. The independent findings of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group System-wide Evaluation Office are incorporated throughout.
The report also evaluates critical improvements made in relation to the funding of the United Nations development system and provides an update on the funding of the resident coordinator system.
The report draws on the findings of surveys administered by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs between December 2022 and January 2023, addressed to host country Governments and Governments that make voluntary contributions to the United Nations development system, the headquarters of United Nations development system entities, resident coordinators and United Nations country teams. Inputs were sought from across the system, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Group. Financial data were sourced primarily from the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.