Press Release

United Nations Moldova achievements in 2022

11 April 2023

  • Despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the war in Ukraine In 2022, the United Nations in Moldova, formed of 26 UN agencies, funds programmes and other UN entities, together with its partners, made progress in all four strategic directions of its work, by advancing human rights and gender equality, strengthening institutional and governance capacities, improving access to decent work and enhancing local services and infrastructure, improving the quality of education, health services, and social assistance, and promoting climate change resilient.

At the output level, 79% of the 87 output-level indicators for which data was available in 2022 were fully achieved or achieved at a high level.

“The war in Ukraine required significant adjustments in how the United Nations worked in the Republic of Moldova in 2022. Our aim was to ensure that support was provided not only to refugees but also to host communities and host families, addressing existing development challenges in a manner that also prevented tensions from developing between the refugee population and the receiving communities.” Simon Springett, Resident Coordinator of UN in Moldova.

The UN Moldova work in the country is guided by the United Nation–Republic of Moldova Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development (UN PFSD) 2018–2022, which outlines four priority areas:

  • Governance, human rights and gender equality
  • Sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth
  • Environmental sustainability and resilience
  • Inclusive and equitable social development

In 2022, the United Nations in Moldova consolidated and diversified its partnerships base to support and accelerate the achievement of SDG and contribute to the national development agenda, engaging with more than 150 different implementing and cooperating partners.

The United Nations achieved notable results in the field of governance, human rights and gender equality, despite the challenging context of the war in Ukraine. The year of 2022 culminated with important achievements in the field of official statistics, to which UN Moldova has contributed significantly under the UNPFSD 2018-2022. Apart from this, 60 national and local CSOs evaluated over 300 human rights recommendations issued by international human rights monitoring bodies. Roma community mediators’ network on both banks of Nistru River was consolidated.  At the same time a number of 8 additional youth centres enlarged the National Network of Youth Centres to 52 entities (5 of which fully accessible) across the country, providing different opportunities for young people to develop and participate in civic life. More than 35 thousand young women and men increased knowledge on active citizenship and civic participation, personal development, gender equality and women empowerment. More results here.

Considerate progress was made in the field of sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth, which led to: 425 MSMEs having been created, expanded, or having strengthened their economic resilience, out of which 101 women. About 380,000 people benefited from enhanced public infrastructure and 1000 jobs were created or maintained, with more than half going to women.  More results here.

More than 700,000 households have reduced electricity consumption by 1.3%, while over 250 thousand people increased their capacities in applying sustainable natural resource management practices due the United Nations support in the area of improving national and local capacities for increasing energy efficiency, applying sustainable natural resource management practices, and integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation priorities into Local Development Plans. Additionally, 18,204 people can now reduce their vulnerability towards climate change risks. More results here.

With the United Nations’ technical and policy support, citizens now have enhanced access to, and ensured continuity of, health services, including essential health services, perinatal, sexual and reproductive health services, and the emergency care system. About 700,000 people from vulnerable groups benefited from different health services, while 191 children with disabilities benefitted from Early Childhood Intervention Services. Over 2 million persons were reached with messages on negative gender stereotypes and GBV and 80,000 most vulnerable households covered with social assistance to overcome multiple crises generated by the war. More results here.

In 2022, the United Nations in Moldova spent $40 million on programmes and projects that span across all Sustainable Development Goals, with the largest share of expenditures being directed towards SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 5 (Gender Equality), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

The successful implementation of the UN programmes in Moldova and the delivery of support to people would not be possible without our valued development partners, i.e. international development and financing partners, and the Government among others.

In 2022, the UNCT worked closely with the Government to finalize the next Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, which will guide the United Nations work in the country for the period 2023-2027.

Note:The Annual Country Results Report 2022 of the United Nations in Moldova doesn’t include the support (protection services and humanitarian assistance) provided by the United Nations agencies, funds, and programs and partners to over 128,000 refugees, and 22,000 Moldovan’s hosting refugees.


Cristina David

Communications and Advocacy Officer

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Goals we are supporting through this initiative