Programme Report: EU4Moldova programme benefits over 41,000 children and young people
06 March 2023
- Results of the Programme "EU4Moldova: Key Regions" for the period 2021-2022, in Ungheni and Cahul

Citizens of Cahul and Ungheni regions, including more than 41,000 children and young people, are benefit from high-quality social, health, and education services This is attributed to the "EU4Moldova: Key Regions" (2019-2024) programme, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
For the second year in a row, thanks to this programme more children from these two districts are able to go renovated kindergartens equipped according to their needs. Many children are also treated in health centres where they feel safe and receive professional medical help.
Young people also have an opportunity to raise their voices by getting involved in local decision-making through the development of youth strategies. They participate in cultural and sports and develop budgets, and action plans to improve the quality of life in their communities. Education, health, youth specialists, central public authorities (CPA), and local public authorities (APL) are also involved in this process and collaborate effectively to provide every child access to quality services and equal development opportunities.
Listed below are the results achieved during the second year of the programme, together with our implementing partners - Institute of Mother and Child, Early Intervention Centre "Voinicel", Educational Programme "Step by Step", Information and Resource Centre "Pro Bono":
Ensured that every child has the right to quality health
- More than 16,000 families were guided through the first years of their children's lives
- Over 1000 parents were informed about the needs of the mother and child
- 400 health workers were guided on how to communicate and be safe during home visits
- 88 family doctors were trained in antenatal surveillance of pregnant women
- Ten child development offices were equipped with furniture, medical equipment, computers, and printers
- The curricula of the Medical Colleges of Cahul and Ungheni were evaluated and updated regarding the child growth and development component
Improved early intervention services
for children with special needs or at developmental risk
- 60 families with special needs or developmental delays benefited from high-quality, transdisciplinary, and methodological support
- Two multidisciplinary Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) teams started their work in Cahul and Ungheni
- 80 families with children with special needs or at-risk benefited from online consultations by specialists of the Early Intervention Centre "Voinicel"
- 40 doctors, psychologists, and social workers were guided in the field of early childhood intervention
- 160 health specialists and parents of children with developmental delays improved their knowledge of child development
- 100 family doctors and nearly 300 family nurses were trained in assessing the neuromotor development of children up to 3 years old, early detection and early stimulation of development of children with mild disorders
Invested in education and ensuring access to quality education for every child
- Nearly 3,000 education specialists trained in applying and promoting the child-centred approach
- 18,500 children benefit from improved access to quality education thanks to strengthened teaching-assessment processes and educational materials
- 15 trainings, 24 mentoring sessions, and 13 professional events were organized to build the education specialists' competencies
- Two kindergartens were renovated, and one kindergarten was refurbished
- More than 750 children, including children with special needs and ethnic minorities, benefit from improved learning conditions
- 13 digital, wireless, GPS-equipped weather stations procured for teaching purposes (geography, ecology, STEM, physics, biology, chemistry)
Involved young people in decision-making processes and promoted civic engagement
- 2,500 young people were informed about the role and activity of Local Youth Councils and Pupils’ Councils
- 2,550 young people learned to work in teams and develop youth action plans
- 1,200 young people were involved in cultural and sports activities
- 70 specialists were trained on capacity building of youth organizations in participatory budgeting
- 40 local youth specialists, teachers, and social workers learned how to work effectively with young people
- 20 schools efficiently engage Pupils’ Councils in the decision-making processes of the schools' committees
- 20 LPAs get involved in the development of Local Youth Councils
- Mayors and District Councils supported with the Local Youth Strategy development and consultation
- Several budget analyses were developed to improve the link between social policies for children and youth and public budgets and local budget processes
During the next two years of implementation of the Programme "EU4Moldova: Key Regions" (2023-2024), UNICEF aims to strengthen the quality of social services for children and adolescents and will provide technical and financial assistance to improve:
- conditions and quality of education.
- development and empowerment of adolescents and youth.
- ensuring quality health services for mothers, children, and adolescents.
- supporting early intervention services for children with special needs or at risk of development.
The total value of the Programme "EU4Moldova: Key Regions" is 23.3 million euros. Out of the total of 2.68 million euros implemented by UNICEF, 487,000 euros were allocated for activities organized from November 2021 to November 2022.