The Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018–2022 (PFSD)
The United Nations is committed to working together with the Government of the Republic of Moldova to make a lasting contribution to national human rights and development priorities and to improve the living conditions of all people in the country, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Building on the results achieved under the United Nations–Republic of Moldova Partnership Framework (UNPF) 2013–2017 and continuing the Delivering as One (DaO) approach, the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations system will pursue the achievement of national development priorities, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framed by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as the country’s international human rights commitments and the reform agenda linked to the European Union (EU) association process.
The Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018–2022 (PFSD) is a medium-term strategic planning document that articulates the collective vision and response of the United Nations system to national development priorities and activities to be implemented in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Moldova and in close cooperation with international and national partners and civil society throughout the time period indicated. The strategic direction and the vision of the PFSD are fully aligned with national development priorities and aspirations.
Four thematic areas have been selected for further pursuit:
1. Governance, human rights and gender equality;
2. Sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth;
3. Environmental sustainability and resilience;
4. Inclusive and equitable social development.
These strategic priorities were validated through broad-based consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including marginalized and vulnerable groups.