Multi-Sector Needs Assessment in Moldova

As of 15 September 2022, more than 7.2 million refugees have reportedly fled Ukraine, with 606,000 refugees arriving in the Republic of Moldova, more than 90,000 of whom are reportedly in the country. While 97% of refugees are residing in the host community, limited information is currently available to response actors regarding their demographic profile, household composition, humanitarian needs, movement intentions, or coping capacities. REACH Initiative (REACH), in partnership with UNICEF, ECHO, UNHCR, and in cooperation with the Refugee Coordination Forum, the sectoral working groups and taskforces, conducted a Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) to ensure these response actors have the necessary evidence base to effectively respond to the needs of Ukrainian refugee families.
This assessment was implemented through a quantitative approach, in which primary data was collected through a structured, multi-sectoral survey which included questions pertaining to both the individual and family level for all surveyed households. The questionnaire was designed in cooperation with UNICEF and sectoral leads, and the survey was conducted using a purposive sampling for families living inside the community, and randomly selected families for the RAC strata. Data was collected between 16 and 31 May 2022 and covered a total of 664 refugee families in Moldova.
The sampling frame for refugees living inside the community was produced using the numbers of registered refugees as reported by local authorities in Moldova. Notably, the sampling frame excluded settlements with less than 50 registered refugees. This is to account for the potential operational challenges related to the large movement of refugees in and out Moldova observed from other assessments. For the refugees living in RACs, sampling frame was developed based on the number of hosted refugees reported by RACs to the National Agency for Social Protection (ANAS), with RACs with less than 20 refugees excluded from the assessment. For more details on the methodology, please refer to the Terms of Reference.
This report presents findings and analyses across the sectors of demographics, cash and livelihoods, protection, health, education, accommodation and intentions, accountability to affected population, and WASH for refugee families living in the host community and RACs in Moldova.