Training course on the role and duties of the Vocational Training Skills Committees
11 May 2018
- The representatives of the Employers’ Organizations and National Trade Unions Centres discussed the role and duties of the Skills Committees for Vocational Training at a training session organized by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on May 11, 2018.
This is the second training course organized in the context of approving the Law on Skills Committees for Vocational training, as well as of the Bylaw on the financing procedure of the projects implemented by the respective committees from the state budget in 2017.
The participants were acquainted with the duties and principles of the Skills Committees, interaction mechanisms between the labour market and the vocational training system, and the legal framework referring to the Skills Committees. “Given the conditions of a major discrepancy between the demand and the labour supply, the Skills Committee plays an essential role in the dialogue between vocational training and labour market. It is important that all the involved actors in this process, be it the members of the Trade Unions Organizations or the members of the Employers’ Organizations, have to know their role and duties and get involved efficiently at the necessary stage. This is why these training courses are extremely important and useful for us”, declared Mr Petru Chiriac, Deputy President of the National Confederation of Trade Unions from Moldova.
One of the training’s objectives was to motivate the representatives of the Employers’ Organizations and National Trade Unions Centres to get involved in the establishment and development of new Skills Committees for Vocational Training from the Republic of Moldova. At present, a large part of the national economy sectors do not have such social dialogue structures that could contribute to adjusting the educational offer to labour market requirements.
The Skills Committees have are expected to contribute to ensuring the correlation of initial and continuous vocational training of the specialists to the labour market requirements. Another important role of the Skills Committee is the development of the occupational standards, documents that are the foundation for the development of educational qualifications and standards. On the other hand, the occupational standards represent a correlation standard of the vocational training to the labour market requirements. So far, only 33 occupational standards have been developed, while the necessary number of occupational standards would be at least 300 for the basic professions.
“The International Labour Organization sustains the training activities to ensure the establishment of the Skills Committees for Vocational Training that play a crucial role in the correlation of the educational system to the labour market requirements, for better skills and competences”, mentioned Ms Violeta Vrabie, ILO Project Coordinator during the training session.
This intervention is one of the objectives of the National Employment Strategy for the years 2017-2021 and will contribute to the achievement of Objective 8 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. The Republic of Moldova agreed to promote an inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all according to this agenda.