International Conference: Towards an improved social dialogue in the Republic of Moldova
16 October 2016
- A conference dedicated to improved social dialogue in the Republic of Moldova on 26 October 2016. The event was organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the International Labour Organisation in partnership with the Moldovan Government, the Moldovan National Trade Union Confederation and the National Confederation of Employers.
The objective of the conference was to provide a platform for a comprehensive discussion on Moldova’s main challenges in the area of social dialogue and ways forward towards a conducive environment for a productive and far-reaching social dialogue, strong and reliable social partners and committed non-state actors in the Republic of Moldova.
The event addressed topics related to the European experience in the area of social dialogue and models that can be applied by the Republic of Moldova; the challenges of the social dialogue in Moldova and how the trust and cooperation between the social partners can be strengthened; the social agenda of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the Association Agreement with the EU and its implications for the social standards.
Globalisation, economic and financial crises, political and geo-political dissensions along with the changes, sometimes irreparable, in the nature of work generate profound social repercussions both at global and national levels increasingly deepening the social injustice.
In a constantly changing world of work the constructive social dialogue and coherent industrial relations are crucial. Their success, however, is determined largely by the presence of strong and independent trade unions and employers, competent to participate in tripartite consultations and collective bargaining; the political will of the stakeholders to engage in the social dialogue and the respect for the fundamental rights of association and collective bargaining.
The social dialogue loses effectiveness when the presence of unions in the private sector is reduced and their ability to bargain collectively is limited, in addition to the low representation of employers under the process of creation. This being the case with Moldova, the need for an efficient and constructive social dialogue is of paramount importance. Despite modest results, a genuine social dialogue still lacks in many sectors of the economy - the tripartite dialogue, most often, fails to produce the expected results, while the violations of the workers’ economic and social rights are on the rise.