Press Release

Militaries and civilians familiarize with gender mainstreaming in the security sector in Moldova

23 June 2016

  • 28 employees of the Ministry of Defense (MoD), including militaries and civilians, participated, for the first time, on Wednesday, June 22, within a workshop "Gender mainstreaming in the security sector in Moldova".

Her Excellency Signe Burgstaller, Ambassador of Sweden in Chisinau, said that in Sweden it is paid a great importance to this subject. "We are here to support Moldova`s efforts in integrating gender perspective in security sector. Reality around the world shows that women are often excluded from the security sector or peace negotiations. Accordingly, we are pleased to see these initiatives of including gender perspective in plans and activities of the government of Moldova, under the leadership of the Ministry of Defense," said the ambassador.

Asya Varbanova, chief advisor UN Women in Moldova, said that, in the past years, there is increasing evidence which shows that the inclusion of the women is a key prerequisite for promoting peace, security and stability. “Research proves that where women are involved peace processes last longer, peacekeeping is more responsive to the needs of the local populations and the military operations of the country are more effective. So there are only good reasons to increase the number of women in all aspects of security sector, peacekeeping operations and peacemaking processes,” pointed out Asya Varbanova.    

However, Aurel Fundos, State Secretary within the Ministry of Defense, said the Ministry pays a special attention to gender equality in security sector and in implementing gender legislation. "The role of women in national defense and security sector is important and requires an appropriate approach. This is why MoD initiated in October 2015 an extensive inter-institutional self-evaluation process on gender in national defense and security sector. And this workshop is another element in strengthening cooperation and intensifying the implementation of national and international commitments of the country in gender, will help militaries and civilian employees of the National Army to familiarize on best international practices in this field," states Fundos.

Elena Taralunga, head of Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Policies Department, within the Ministry of Defense, referred in detaill to the inter-institutional self-evaluation process on gender in national defense and security sector.

About international experience, particularly of Sweden and the Nordic countries in terms of gender mainstreaming in military operations, spoke Paul Murray, legal expert in gender equality, human rights and humanitarian law. “To have a gender perspective is to be able to detect if, when and how, men and women are being affected differently by a situation/operation due to their gender. Correctly used, gender perspective will increase the operational effectiveness, in every situation, both for men, women, boys and girls in the area of operations”, outlined Paul Murray. 

In the same time, the legal expert Vadim Vieru presented the Legislative report on analyzing international standards and national legal framework in the field of gender equality in security and defense sector, which was developed with the support of UN Women in Moldova. Some of report`s findings are that national legislation, specifically in defense sector, does not contain detailed regulations in ensuring gender equality and the language of normative acts is not adjusted to the specifics of gender, facts that may lead to inconsistencies in the practical application of norms.

"Therefore, among the report's recommendations can be found the following: ministry is encouraged to develop a structure for coordination and implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in the power structures of the MoD, but also to review existing policies to ensure that these are not discriminatory and take into account the specific needs of women, girls, men and boys in security sector," concluded Vadim Vieru.

The workshop was followed by a discussion session, where participated representatives of central public authorities, experts in gender, security and defense sector, members of civil society. Moreover, those present at the discussion session came, in turn, with some recommendations to the Legislative report. And once all suggestions will be incorporated in the report “Analysis of international standards and of national legal framework in the field of gender equality in security and defense sector", this will be available online.


UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Goals we are supporting through this initiative