2022 United Nations Country Result Report, Republic of Moldova

This report takes stock of the progress made in 2022 by the United Nations in the delivery of the Strategic Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development, together with our many partners, in supporting the Republic of Moldova to achieve its national development priorities and the goals set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It further outlines lessons learnt and provides an overview of our priorities and ambitions for 2023.
The United Nations remains a strong and reliable partner to the Government of Moldova. Complementing the refugee response, the UN Country Team launched a Development Emergency Response Offer, aimed at supporting the Government of Moldova to address the impact of the war in Ukraine on the cost of food, energy and basic services.
Joint United Nations support contributed to important policy achievements in 2022, which saw progress on gender equality and human rights. New partnerships were developed with academia, the private sector, civil society, young people, and development partners around the processes for the United Nations Common Country Analysis, our next strategic cooperation framework, and further European ambitions of the Republic of Moldova.
In terms of looking forward, the UNCT and the Government of Moldova finalised and signed the new UN Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development 2023-2027, and the Parliament adopted the revised “European Moldova 2030” National Development Strategy. Those frameworks offer a strong basis to guide our work over the coming years to support the Government of Moldova on its path to European integration.
All of the above and more are captured in this 2022 Country Results Report.