Six private companies were awarded by UNDP and National Anticorruption Centre for implementing business integrity standards
19 August 2020
Six private companies from the Republic of Moldova were awarded for implementing integrity standards in business. This nomination, which is a first, was offered at the “Trademark of the Year 2019” contest, at an online ceremony conducted on 19 August. The initiative belongs to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) and was implemented in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
For the “Small enterprises” category - the award was granted to “Lokmera” LLC; for the “Medium enterprises” category – the distinction was awarded to Coca Cola trademark; and Fincombank, Orange, Moldcell and Victoriabank were awarded for the “Big enterprises” category.
Other several companies - BAR MGP Broker SRL (Rapidasig trademark), Ygrick-Group (Biantti), Jaman LLC (Agrobiznes), Art-Proeco LLC (Ronți), Kaufland, Sandriliona received diplomas.
The award offered by UNDP and NAC aims to encourage the implementation of integrity standards within companies, and to disseminate good practices in this area.
The winners demonstrated that they have implemented the mechanisms for promoting integrity and anticorruption standards in business during 2019. They have submitted to the jury their codes of ethic and conduct in business, the procedures for reporting irregularities at work and solving conflicts of interest, the mechanisms for protecting whistleblowers, as well as internal control procedures and the regulation for declaring and evaluating gifts.
Dima Al-Khatib, UNDP Resident Representative for the Republic of Moldova, mentioned during the online ceremony for awarding the winners that: “Private sector plays a crucial role in curbing corruption. By adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards corruption it can promote fair competition, put in place policies to promote a fair and just business environment and a transparent and honest interaction with public sector. And thus, to support sustainable development and economic growth. With the Business Integrity Award, we want to encourage innovative initiatives and examples of positive action and leadership in promoting integrity in business. Applying integrity standards and strong corruption prevention mechanisms can be more efficient and less costly than fighting the consequences of corruption, for both private and public entities.”
Ruslan Flocea, Director of the National Anticorruption Center, stated: “We would like to use this award to encourage and to show our support for private companies which implement integrity standards, identify and manage corruption risks in their activity and enforce efficient anticorruption procedures. For us, as an anticorruption institution, it is very important to have as many as possible partners in promoting integrity policies, and business sector should be one of the NAC’s allies. We will continue supporting this area and we will get involved to increase the level of integrity culture in the private sector.”
The award nominees for implementing integrity standards in business were exempted from paying the participation fee, which was covered by UNDP Moldova through the “Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project.
The “Trademark of the Year” contest has been organized since 2003 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI) in partnership with the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI). Besides the integrity award, the “Trademark of the Year” contest has other 11 award nominations, among which “Reputation and Trust”, “The businesswoman”, “Leader of the Year”, “Export”, “The Starter of the Year” etc.
The “Curbing corruption by building sustainable iIntegrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project is implemented by UNDP Moldova with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aims to create a sustainable integrity and anticorruption system within public and private sector entities and association sector. The project is implemented during 2019-2021.