In premiere, UNDP and National Anticorruption Centre launched a mobile center for anticorruption training
27 July 2020
An anticorruption training mobile center was launched in premiere by the UNDP and National Anticorruption Centre (NAC). It will facilitate corruption prevention activities in different communities throughout the country, and during the pandemic time will offer a possibility to conduct these events in open space. The first lesson on integrity using the mobile center was held on 24 July at the Department for transportation means’ registration and drivers’ qualification.
The center consists of a re-equipped minibus endowed with means allowing organizing activities outdoors and indoors, both for civil servants and general population – adults and children. It has electronic equipment for video and graphical presentations, access to Internet, communication devices, laser printer, speakers, and other tools. Inside, the space is designed to allow hearing of the citizens willing to discuss with an anticorruption officer or to disclose a corruption act.
During the training organized for the employees of the Department for transportation means’ registration and drivers’ qualification, the anticorruption officers used the mobile training centers’ means to speak about the statistics of criminal cases started by NAC during 2019-2020 in relation to driving licenses’ fraud, integrity rules, gifts’ regime, how to disclose corruption acts and undue influences.
At the same time, the participants were informed about the mechanism of integrity whistleblowers, especially how the employees or former employees who have disclosed illegal practices in the entity in which they work or used to work are protected. The NAC employees encouraged the participants to notify about corruption and to disclose all the known cases of corruption to the National Anticorruption Line – 080055555.
“The mobile center makes possible the continuation of anticorruption information sessions during the pandemic period as well. It gives us the possibility to work outdoors, observing physical distancing and all restrictions related to health protection,” mentioned Ion Pruteanu, Head of NAC Anticorruption Education Division.
“This initiative will ensure more efficient organization of anticorruption education activities and will make them more attractive for citizens even during the restrictions period related to COVID-19 spread,” says Olga Crivoliubic, Project Manager at UNDP Moldova.
The anticorruption mobile caravan will visit many other communities in the following months. During the period of restrictions, all the meetings will be attended by 50 persons maximum.
The mobile anticorruption center was procured with support of the “Curbing corruption and building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” project, implemented by UNDP in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.