Press Release

Online Workshop To Facilitate Employment Of Persons With Disabilities

10 July 2020

Between 6 and 10 July, the representatives of the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) and of the Multidisciplinary Committee will enjoy a workshop for capacity building with a view of  facilitating the employment of persons with disabilities. The online event will also be attended by representatives of the Alliance of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities (AOPD), the National Council for Determination of Disability and Working Capacity, and the Social Assistance and Family Protection Division of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection. The training workshop will be organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) "Promoting Youth Employment" Project. 


The training encompasses a number of topics designed to help create an effective employment service for persons with disabilities and will be supported by Barbara Murray, an ILO consultant. During the workshop, the participants will thus discuss employment obstacles and options, the role of the employment specialist and the assistance they may provide to persons with disabilities seeking a job, the cooperation with employers, assessment of the requirements for reasonable accommodation and adaptation of jobs and workplaces, and the role and responsibilities of the Multidisciplinary Committee. Within focus groups, the participants will identify together solutions for the most pressing problems.  

According to Raisa Dogaru, director of ANOFM, this training course will provide employment specialists with more information and successful practices from the international experience.  They will receive useful tools to streamline the relationship between employers and the unemployed in need of increased help.

“ANOFM, as implementer of the subsidy measure for the creation and adaptation of jobs for persons with disabilities, faces a number of shortcomings. Identifying the employers available to provide jobs for persons with disabilities is a difficult process. On the one hand, partnerships are not established at local level to identify persons with disabilities of working age, nor is the approach to working with them clear, on the other hand. Moreover, the cycle of preparation and approval of the subsidy application requires additional review and explanation to the representatives of both the territorial subdivisions and the Multidisciplinary Committee that is responsible for approving the application," Raisa Dogaru also noted.

The training workshop is part of a series of activities organized by the ILO project "Promotion of Youth Employment" in the context of the Law of Employment Promotion and Unemployment Insurance, which provides for a new measure to subsidize employers for the creation and/or adaptation of jobs for persons with disabilities.

According to Violeta Vrabie, ILO Project Coordinator, the assistance is targeted at promoting the availability of services for persons with disabilities and working with the employers who can ensure the integration of such people into the labour market. As to the persons with disabilities, they gain self-confidence and receive decent employment opportunities. "By ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Republic of Moldova committed to ensure not only the freedom, equality and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities, but also the right to work. This can be achieved not only by recognizing the fundamental right to work, but also by creating the conditions for accessibility and reasonable space adaptation. With ILO's support, the Republic of Moldova is taking concrete measures to achieve this goal," Violeta Vrabie said.

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Violeta Vrabie

Communication Focal Point

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative