Hincesti LEP preliminary results: Significant progress related to labour force development and local entrepreneurship support
20 December 2024
- On December 18, 2024, the Territorial Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining of Hincesti district convened a reporting meeting regarding the intermediate results of the Local Employment Partnership (LEP), an initiative launched by the International Labour Organization (ILO), at the end of this July, aimed to promote employment at the local level.

The event brought together the representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MMPS), the National Confederation of Employers (CNPM), the National Confederation of Trade Unions (CNSM), the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), the ILO and the local, national and international partners.
The participants of the event underlined that, in less than five months, Hincesti LEP achieved important results in all seven Intervention Lines. Consequently, up to date, 127 inactive persons, of whom 44 are women, have been identified and registered by Hincesti Territorial Subdivision for Employment (STOFM) and benefited from programs and services aimed at facilitating their integration into the labour market.
Similarly, the training curricula for four essential occupations were developed: reinforcing iron worker, painter-plasterer, plumber fitter of sanitary equipment and electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment. These programs were accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (ANACEC). Two of the respective programs, for the occupations of electrician and painter-plasterer have been already launched, involving 30 beneficiaries – men, between the ages of 18 and 55, from the list of unemployed registered by the territorial employment office. The participants attended one month of theoretical training in Hincesti Vocational School, which will be followed by three months of professional practice in specialized local enterprises.
Within Hincesti LEP, 4 folk craftsmen were formalized, including 3 women, who benefited from support to modernize their activity. The craftsmen, have trained based on the curricula developed by the Union of Folk Craftsmen of Moldova 10 trainees from registered unemployed, which have achieved formal certification and plan to launch their own businesses related to the crafts they studied.
In order to support the small local producers and craftsmen in promotion and sale of their products, 20 wooden exhibition cottages were purchased and placed in Hincesti city, providing a better access to the local consumers and tourists.
Another notable result of this Partnership is the establishment of a Cooperative for fruits drying. It was registered under the name "Values and Perspectives" and it includes 3 peasants farms managed by women and 2 managed by men. The Cooperative is ready to start its activity, after the renovation of premises and purchase of the specialized equipment.
The participants of the event also mentioned that special attention was paid to the beekeepers of the region. A group of 27 beekeepers participated in training sessions on launching and management of apicultural enterprises, as well as in technical training. This preparatory stage will facilitate the formalization of their activities and accessing to the national funding programs related to the development of beekeeping businesses.
Hincesti LEP was developed by the MMPS, social partners (CNSM and CNPM) and Hincesti district Council with the ILO support granted through the project ”Inclusive and Productive Employment in Moldova”, financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland.
The implementation of this Partnership was supported by a financing of 318.866 USD granted by the ILO and 86.753 USD provided by the local and national partners. The additional costs were covered by the local partners by in-kind contributions.
Hincesti LEP promotes the collaboration between the public and private sector thus contributing to the development of the local labour market, growth of social inclusion and creation of a favourable economic environment. This approach supports the objective of the Republic of Moldova on the European integration and modernization of public employment services.
For more information, please contact us: Violeta Vrabie, ILO project coordinator Tel.: + (373) 78 11 33 90; e-mail: vrabie@ilo.org