Press Release

Fostering Inclusion: UN Moldova campaign to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes

21 October 2024

  • UN Moldova is proud to announce the launch of the raising awareness campaign, "Stand for Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities – No One Must Be Left Behind." An initiative that is part of the UN ongoing efforts to promote the inclusive and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in all their diversity in decision-making processes at all levels.

The campaign aims to address the significant barriers that persons with disabilities face in Moldova when participating in all spheres of public and social life. 

As of early 2023, 162.3 thousand persons with disabilities, representing 6.5% of the total population, are registered in Moldova. Despite this, their involvement in public life remains notably low. 

The data shows that persons with disabilities, especially women and youth, are significantly underrepresented in political and social activities. Nearly 50% of women with disabilities are unaware of opportunities for participation in public life, and only 2.4% of youth with disabilities are involved in voluntary political activities. Recent findings also reveal that women with disabilities, particularly those from rural areas, face heightened risks of violence, poverty, and social exclusion, with nearly 70% having never participated in policy or legislative development. According to national data collected by the Office of the People's Advocate during the 2023 general local elections, only 28 persons with disabilities from 13 territorial-administrative units ran for office, highlighting the low integration of persons with disabilities into the community and limited enjoyment of their right to vote and be elected.

This stark underrepresentation calls for targeted efforts to increase participation of persons with disabilities at all levels of governance.

The full and effective participation of persons with disabilities is not only a right but also a fundamental principle of good governance. Their opinions and involvement are essential to creating inclusive, equitable, and resilient societies,” said Yesim Oruc, Resident Coordinator of UN Moldova “This campaign is designed to transform the decision-making processes by advocating for inclusive measures and accessible environments that empower all individuals to participate in decision-making processes on equal terms. By ensuring that the opinion of persons with disabilities matters in the decision-making process, we are not only respecting their human rights but also enriching our communities with their diverse perspectives shaping the sustainable future of Moldova.”

The campaign seeks to address the numerous barriers persons with disabilities face in Moldova, from limited accessibility in public spaces to lack of representation in political and social institutions. According to most recent evaluations, about 70% of polling stations and other public institutions in Moldova remain inaccessible to persons with disabilities. The lack of accessibility severely limits the possibilities of persons with disabilities to engage in civic life and exercise their rights to education, employment, and independent living and other human rights.

The campaign’s core message emphasizes the critical importance of ensuring that persons with disabilities are meaningfully included in decision-making at all levels and their opinions are taken into consideration: “The opinion of persons with disabilities matters. Taking decisions together.”

True inclusion is more than a symbolic representation. It requires fostering an environment in which persons with disabilities can fully engage, ensuring their perspectives are taken into consideration, and their contributions are reflected in decisions affecting all aspects of their social, political, economic and cultural life including policies, regulations and standards.

The campaign aligns with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy and the UN Moldova Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Development 2023-2027, all of them aiming to promote transparent and sustainable governance that leaves no one behind. It also resonates with the core principle of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which Moldova ratified in 2010. 

The United Nations in Moldova invites all individuals, public authorities, private businesses and civil society to join the campaign and take concrete actions to eliminate barriers that limit participation of persons with disabilities. Together, we can ensure that every person in Moldova including persons with disabilities, has the opportunity to participate fully in shaping the decisions that affect their lives and communities.


Useful information for persons with disabilities can be found on 


Cristina David

Communications and Advocacy Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations

Goals we are supporting through this initiative