Press Release

UN Human Rights Awards 2019 have found their owners

09 December 2019

On December 6, 2019, the United Nations in Moldova has awarded the most creative, innovative, efficient, appropriate and participatory initiatives in protecting and promoting human rights.

Caption: UN Human Rights Awards 2019
Photo: © United Nations Moldova

The 15th edition of the UN Human Rights Gala of Awards has included six categories of awards with the following winners:

•           Asociația Obștească ”Inițiativa Pozitivă”  - General Award for an Outstanding Human Rights Achievement in 2019;

•           ”Clinica Universitară Juridică” din Bălți - Award for an Outstanding Human Rights Achievement at the Local Level in 2019;

•           Ludmila Adamciuc - Award for an Outstanding Individual Human Rights Activism in 2019;

•           EcoVisio - Award for an Outstanding Integration of Human Rights and Equality into Internal Structure and Operation of the Organization in 2019;

•           Youth Klinic - Special Award for groups/organizations of children and youth for outstanding achievements in promotion human rights in 2019;

•           Andrei Lefter - Award for youth groups/organizations or individuals for promoting the sexual and reproductive rights and health in 2019. 

The award winners have been selected as a result of an open contest. The profiles of candidates received from public consultation process and evaluation of other available materials have been judged by a team of experts and an independent board formed of representatives of civil society, international organizations and independent experts. Among evaluation criteria there were creativity, perseverance, devotement and courage shown in promoting human rights, as well as the impact of these actions on the lives of citizens.

This year the United Nations also marked two important anniversaries: 30 years since the ratification of the UN Convention of Rights of the Child and 25 years of the International Conference on Population and Development.  In this regard, this year there were introduced two special awards to recognize the merits of children and youth in promoting the human rights.  

UN Human Rights Gala is organized every year before the International Day of Human Rights celebrated on 10th December.


Cristina David

Communications and Advocacy Officer

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