Just and Inclusive institutions and Equal opportunities for Human Development

Photo: © UNDP Moldova

Republic of Moldova

Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2027-12-31

In order to move towards the long-term vision – by 2030, Moldova is a country where people want to live and where all people fully exercise their human rights and enjoy a better quality of life in a more inclusive and resilient society – the United Nations system and the Government of Moldova, together with their stakeholders, have defined four impact areas that also represent strategic priorities for the Cooperation Framework 2023–2027: (1) Just and Inclusive Institutions and Equal Opportunities for Human Development; (2) Participatory Governance and Social Cohesion; (3) Enhanced Shared Prosperity in a Sustainable Economy; and (4) Green Development, Sustainable Communities and Disaster and Climate Resilience. Four respective outcomes represent the transformational changes (results) that should enable the achievement of the national priorities and the SDGs. 

Achieving just and inclusive institutions that have sufficient capacities to ensure the effective delivery of quality human rightsbased and gender-responsive services is a critical precondition for equal, sustainable and participatory human development, which is necessary to build the human capital that will drive the social and economic transformation of the country. This should address the need for stronger investment in human development in Moldova on both banks of the Nistru River through more effective and responsive social protection and access to quality basic services, to empower those who persistently remain excluded to contribute to, and equally benefit from a more sustainable development of the country.

The Theory of Change for this outcome suggests that, in order to promote inclusive human development and to build human capital to drive the economic transformation of the country, it is essential to improve the delivery of services by strengthening government and non-government institutions so as to ensure equal access to human rights-based, evidence-informed, and gender responsive services for all, with a particular focus on those who find themselves in disadvantaged situations or who are at risk of being excluded or marginalized.


Goals we are supporting through this initiative

Background Documents