Local Employment Partnership Generates Jobs in Cahul
28 November 2019
In less than seven months, 35 new jobs were created in the Cahul district through the Local Employment Partnership (LEP), a cooperation project of local and national public and private actors implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Over 230 inactive young people (NEET-neither in education, employment or training) were identified and registered as unemployed in order to benefit from the assistance provided by the LEP. 115 young people were trained in business development and about how to access grants for star-ups. In addition, a beekeeping cooperative was established, a brand for Cahul honey was created and ten popular craftsmen received training with focus on marketing, financial management, and action planning. These are just some of intermediate results of the Local Employment Partnership in Cahul.
The partnership was launched as a pilot project at the initiative and with the assistance of the International Labor Organization in order to generate new jobs and to ensure the transition to formalization of businesses and jobs. In Cahul, the LEP design was based on the European model and was implemented under the aegis of the Territorial Commission for Collective Consultations and Negotiations (CTCNC). This social dialogue platform brings together over 20 public and private partners, including local public authorities, local trade unions and employers, territorial employment agency, non-governmental organizations, micro crediting and educational institutions, local producers' associations, companies and investors from the Cahul district.
“One of the most important results is that thanks to the LEP all the key actors joined their efforts to meet the labour market challenges and work towards the sustainable development of the region. The Local Employment Partnership proved to be an effective tool. We will continue to implement it in order to create more jobs and new business development opportunities, especially for young people. Cahul is the third largest region in terms of population, and with the highest rate of inactive young people in Moldova”, said Rodica Ghidu, secretary of CTCNC, at the conference where the intermediate results of the Local Employment Partnership in Cahul were discussed.
Rodica Macovei is from the village of Manta, Cahul district. She is one of the beneficiaries of the Local Employment Partnership. Rodica learned the art of embroidery and crocheting from a popular master.
“I like to crochet and knit very much. I work all day long. It is a passion that has all the chances to become a profitable business,” says the young woman.
Sergiu Pâslaru, chairman of Beekeepers' Association of Cahul district, mentioned that the Prut river meadow is a very good base for honey production. The number of bee apiaries can be increased by five times there. He believes that all 71 young people who benefited from LEP theoretical and practical training in beekeeping have all the chances to access grants and to develop a profitable business in beekeeping.
The LEP in Cahul aims to create and formalize approximately 264 jobs and launch about 106 start-ups in sectors with job creation potential such as beekeeping, creative industries and crafts.
"Around 670 people from Cahul district, including individuals at risk of social exclusion, will benefit directly from the opportunities provided by the project and around 1,000 people in the community will benefit indirectly," said Violeta Vrabie, ILO project coordinator.
The implementation of LEP Cahul will cost $410,850. The International Labor Organization provides $190,000 to support multiple service lines within the framework of the project ”Promotion of youth employment”. The national programs of the Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Sector (ODIMM) contributes $204,000 in the form of a grant scheme to support business development and enterprise creation by young people from vulnerable environments.