UX4Gov Designathon winners have been announced
30 April 2024
- The winners of the UX4Gov Designathon – a hackathon event designed to connect designers with public institutions to create user-centric solutions and improve public services – have been announced.

The event took place on 26-28 April 2024 in Chișinău and was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of UNDP Moldova.
For three days, 50 graphic, UX/UI (user interface and user experience), web and product designers improved the interface and user experience of digital public services submitted by six public institutions: the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Electronic Government Agency, the Agency Courts Administration, the National Agency for Public Health, the National Probation Inspectorate.
The jury selected the following teams as winners:
- 1st place: Team A – Evolution of the user interface and user experience of the MPay service (Electronic Government Agency);
- 2nd place: Team A – Development of a mobile application for access to judicial information (Courts Administration Agency);
- 3rd place: Team B – Digitization of the process of issuing probation certificates and probation programme completion certificates (National Probation Inspectorate).
The winning teams were awarded cash prizes worth 50,000 lei, 30,000 lei, and 10,000 lei, respectively. Moreover, their solutions can be adopted by public institutions.
The UX4Gov Designathon was organised by the Yatakviju design community and Technovator, in collaboration with ATIC, Tekwill, Moldova Innovation Technology Park, with support from UNDP Moldova, Innovate Moldova, USAID Moldova, the Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF).
This event is part of Moldova's digital transformation programme, with the objective of developing a 100% digital society.