Feasibility study on deployment and implementation of a Cell Broadcast Service (CBS) solution for sending Alert Messages

Worldwide, the occurrence of natural disasters has been increasing since the 1940s, from an average of eight disasters per year to nearly 300 in the last decade.1 Moldova has not been the exception and since its constitution in 1991, it has had sixteen natural disasters such as floods, extreme temperature, storms and droughts. The number of Moldovans affected by these disasters in the last three decades is near to 2,9 million, a considerable number compared to Moldova’s population estimated at 2,5 million in 2023.
The increasing trend of natural disasters in the following years will not slow down. Thus, the need for tools that improve the response to such disasters, reducing the likelihood of human and material loss, is critical. One such tool is an Early Warning System (EWS) or Public Warning System (PWS).3 An EWS is a cost-effective tool that saves lives, reduces economic losses, and provides a nearly tenfold return on investment, given that it provides timing warnings to the people regarding imminent emergencies and disasters.