Press Release

The first Rights@Work4Youth Hackathon in Moldova generated innovative digital solutions to promote labour rights among young people

04 November 2019

After 3 days of intense work, 20 young people passionate about law and information technologies came up with four concepts for a mobile application to promote the rights of young people at the workplace. The first Rights@Work4Youth Hackathon in the Republic of Moldova was held during 1-3 November in Chisinau. The event was organized by National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM), with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO), within the project "Promotion of youth employment". 

Photo: © ILO

The participants came from different localities of Moldova after being selected within a public competition.  The hackathon started with a training session on labor law and techniques of mobile application development. Then, guided by mentors in the fields of IT and labour law, participants worked on developing an educational game concept in teams of five people. The Rights@Work4Youth Hackathon culminated when the teams presented their game concepts in front of a jury consisting of experts in the corresponding fields.  

“The law regulating rights of people is a guarantee for their inclusion, also in the labor market. Age, disability, ethnicity, religion or language cannot establish any ground for discrimination. However, many young people, especially from vulnerable groups and rural areas, often lack the knowledge of labour law and the understanding how it relates to their working experience. Therefore, they often fall victim of violations," said Mr. Roman Banari, deputy chief of CNTM.

The basis of the concepts developed within the hackathon were the information and case studies laid down in the ILO guide "Rights@Work4Youth". Equality and non-discrimination in employment, work contracts, working conditions, safety and health at work, authorities and bodies protecting employees were all tackled by the guide book and at the hackathon. 

“The developed concepts will be used to develop an innovative digital tool—a mobile application game--to better inform  and empower the Moldovan youth about their rights in the world of work and consequently allow them to increase their presence in the labour market," added Ms.  Violeta Vrabie, ILO project coordinator.

The ILO project is supported by the Czech Government.

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Violeta Vrabie

Communication Focal Point

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative