Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (SCORE) Index Moldova 2022
24 May 2023
- The Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (SCORE) Index in Moldova was implemented in 2022 – 2023 by the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD) in partnership with USAID and UN Moldova.
The aim of the SCORE Moldova 2022 is to measure the levels of social cohesion among different segments of Moldovan society, assess readiness for civic engagement, understand perceptions and attitudes from across the country on identity issues and views on geopolitical developments, including the war in Ukraine and the potential for European integration, and to identify entry points for the strengthening of social cohesion.
In 2022, the SCORE in Moldova was accompanied by a parallel study in the Transnistrian region, implemented by the United Nations in Moldova, allowing also for comparative data to be gathered and for entry points for peacebuilding across the Nistru/Dniester river to be identified. Data for SCORE Moldova 2022 on the left bank of the Nistru/Dniester river was collected between 3rd December and 27th December 2022, with a total representative sample of 825 adult respondents.
The SCORE Index uses a mixed-methods participatory research approach, including multi-level stakeholder and expert consultations to design and calibrate context-specific indicators and develop pertinent conceptual models to answer the research objectives. Following data collection and analysis, results are shared and reviewed with key stakeholders, ensuring local ownership of results and the relevance of findings and recommendations.
The SCORE data platform can be used to identify and prioritise target population groups as well as geographical locations for social cohesion interventions.