UNDP Country Programme Document 2023-2027
The vision for the country programme – on which UNDP extensively consulted with the Government and which is anchored in the UNSDCF – is for Moldova to become a more cohesive, inclusive, just and resilient society, supported by a better quality of life for everyone. The theory of change is based on the logic that achieving a better quality of life for all people in Moldova, as envisioned in the Moldova 2030 Strategy, is only possible if the country’s prosperity is shared among all people, while the most vulnerable and marginalized are empowered to exercise their human rights and participate meaningfully in all fields of life. Enhanced inclusion and resilience, peace and security are important preconditions for empowering all people to contribute to the country’s social and economic transformation and to accelerate achievement of the Goals.
UNDP believes that achieving these long-term changes outlined above requires a more systemic approach to addressing pending structural challenges and the root causes of poverty, low economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability. The application of the six UNDP signature solutions will be key to helping the country accelerate structural transformations and better prepare for future shocks. In particular, UNDP will assist the country in the four main outcome areas (described below).