Launch of the e-learning course for social workers "Managing cases of domestic violence "
07 October 2022
- On October 6, 2022, the distance learning course "Managing cases of domestic violence" has been launched on the platform
The course has been developed by National Center for Training, Assistance, Counseling and Education from Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the National Social Assistance Agency, at the initiative of UN Women and with financial support of Sweden. The course is a professional training tool addressed to professionals in the social and/or related fields, community social workers and not only, to those who work with victims and survivors of domestic violence or manage cases of domestic violence.
The course is consisted of theoretical and practical content, links and useful bibliographic resources embedded in a methodological and informational complex regarding the phenomenon of domestic violence and aspects of interventions. The course is free and offers a comprehensive curriculum to improve the quality of the social assistant's response in violence against women cases and support the referrals in a survivor-centered and meaningful ways.
The launch event highlighted the priority needs, the lessons learned and the vision of the specialists in the process of testing the course, bringing together representatives of partner organizations involved in the elaboration of the course as well as social workers who will directly benefit from this course.
Irina Banova, director of the National Social Assistance Agency stated, in her opening speech, that : ”The course will serve as a digital thematic tool for online learning dedicated to social assistance specialists who directly or indirectly are involved in managing cases of violence and will primarily focus on the solutions specifics to the cases of violence against women”.
Felicia Bechtoldt, state secretary, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, mentioned in the context of the event that: "With the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, the need for professional training of specialists in charge of assistance and protection of victims of domestic violence, as well as the counseling of family perpetrators, has also intensified. We appreciate the contribution of the partners for the financial, logistical and expertise support offered in the conceptualization of this course. The e-learning platform is a flexible one that will later allow the possibility of updating the course and integration of new modules".
Her Excellency, Katarina Fried, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova, mentioned that: "Violence against women is a grave violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women. It can take many forms, and despite some positive developments in the national/international laws, policies and practices, violence against women, including domestic violence occurs everywhere. Sweden, as well as Moldova are not an exception. It is a complex issue, particularly when it occurs within the home, which can be compounded by the response of authorities to whom women turn for help. A comprehensive online course on the topic for a better understanding of violence against women and domestic violence by social assistants and workers, including professionals in the area, was therefore very much needed".
This online course covers in an interactive way the key concepts, the international and national legal framework and the key elements concerning the role of social assistants and social workers in preventing and combating violence against women and girls. As well, the content is coupled with practical cases, definitions about gender norms and the signs concerning early detection of the VAW cases, including the case management.
"Violence against women is a global phenomenon and we have to do our best to support women to get out of the circle of violence and abuse and we need comprehensive tools tailored to the needs of the survivors of violence. The course is an example of such a tool, as it has relevant interactive content, based on specific examples and on amended legislation. It represents a collective effort in our joint actions to eliminate gender-based violence", mentioned Dominika Stojanoska, country representative UN Women Moldova.
Alexandru Donos, director of the National Center for Training, Assistance, Counseling and Education in Moldova, said that: " Strengthening the professional capacities of specialists is a vital necessity because colleagues who are involved in field work do it under different circumstances and conditions, but their professional capacities cannot be changed. It's a major achievement, whether it's initial or continuing training, it's a lucrative, clear and understandable tool."
The course is accessible on the ANAS website ( and can be accessed not only by specialists, but also by any person who wants to deepen their knowledge about the methodology, techniques and tools for identifying and combating cases of violence.