Press Release

Employment opportunities and trainings provided within the Local Employment Partnership from Causeni

02 September 2022

  • Representatives of the UN Moldova Resident Coordinator Office together with ILO colleagues, carried out a working visit in Causeni district to find out more about the results obtained within the Local Employment Partnership (LEP) and discuss with the local authorities and implementing partners about the challenges of the labour market and the opportunities provided by LEPs to vulnerable groups.

The official delegation met with the Deputy Chairman of Causeni Council, Tamara Ambroci-Ivanov, several implementing partners, as well as with some beneficiaries of this initiative implemented with the assistance of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

During the meeting, the Deputy Chairman of Causeni Council, mentioned that LEP essentially contributed to jobs creation and transition to formal employment, in particular within the context of Covid – 19 repercussions that affected the district labour market. According to Mrs Ambroci-Ivanov, Causeni LEP involved over 15 public and private partners, from the local and the national level, which, with the assistance of the ILO, assumed to enhance the situation on the local labour market by creating and formalizing jobs, as well as by identifying opportunities for business development in the district. 

“With the ILO assistance, during one year of implementation, LEP has identified 438 inactive persons, who were registered by Causeni Employment Office to benefit from various services and employment programs, as well as from the opportunities provided by this Partnership. At the same time, 120 persons benefited from training in entrepreneurship and 62 – obtained grants and mentoring for launching businesses in certain areas with growth potential, such as apiculture, constructions, retail or services”, mentioned Tamara Ambroci-Ivanov.

Photo: © UN Moldova

In line with that, she stated that within LEP 53 entrepreneurs benefited from on-line training and mentoring for extending their businesses and obtained subsidies for hiring unemployed, which, in fact, lead to creation of 55 jobs. A number of 18 inactive young people and 36 long term unemployed, which faced long time barriers on the labour market, benefited from assistance and training. As a result, 11 young people were registered by Causeni Employment Office, 28 persons were employed, and 5 persons joined professional formation courses.

UN representatives visited the Care Centre “Pro Familia” from Causeni city, that renders support and accommodation to women - victims of family violence. Within LEP nine beneficiaries of the Care Centre obtained financial assistance and training to gain professional skills and to launch their own business, that ensured them a financial independence from the aggressors.  

They have also visited Cristina Bejan’s apiary, which was founded within the LEP as well as the furniture factory „Vladiox”, which benefited from subsidies for hiring 4 unemployed registered by the local Employment Office. The owner of the factory, Vladimir Nicolenco, stated that the actions provided for by the LEP motivated and stimulated him to contribute to job generation and preservation and the gained subsidy allowed him to cover the cost for training new employees.

Photo: © UN Moldova

The Local Employment Partnerships (LEP) represent an innovation based on a “negotiated” planning between multiple local partners, that being concerned of the challenges existing on the labour market of the community, assume interconnected roles and responsibilities aimed to identify solutions adapted to local circumstances. The main purpose of the LEP is jobs’ generation and transition to formal employment. The LEP carried out in Causeni district was conceived and implemented under the auspices of the Territorial Commission for Collective Consultations and Bargaining (TCCCB) – a social dialogue platform uniting representatives of local public authorities, trade unions and employers associations at the local level. 

For more details, please contact: or call + (373) 78 11 33 90.

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Violeta Vrabie

Communication Focal Point

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

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