Press Release

UN Moldova to support the advancement of sustainable and inclusive peace and social cohesion in the country

24 August 2022

  • The two-year project “Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova” was signed today by the United Nations in Moldova and the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Republic of Moldova.

Photo: © UN Moldova

The project seeks to facilitate an enabling environment for improved interconnection and engagement between both banks of Nistru river through the advancement of, and cross-river interaction on, human rights, gender-responsive peacebuilding, promotion of equal access to services and the strengthening of social cohesion at the backdrop of heightened regional tensions caused by the war in Ukraine.

Photo: © UN Moldova

The project will be implemented by three UN agencies: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as the lead agency, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women) with a total value of 2,45 million US dollars funded through the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. 


Cristina David

Communications and Advocacy Officer

UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative