The Republic of Moldova will be able to implement a methodology for social dialogue institutions self-assessment
17 May 2022
The method of social dialogue institutions self-assessment has recently been developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) aimed to support the consolidation of national institutions representing the interests of workers, employers and the State.
This Method is a tool allowing the members of a Social Dialogue Institutions (SDI) to carry out an in-depth self-assessment of the institution and to develop an action plan to improve its inclusion and effectiveness.
The methodology was made available to the social partners and the Government of the Republic of Moldova and was presented at the meeting of the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining on May 6. "The application of this method is intended to make social dialogue institutions stronger than ever, since all countries of the world struggle with the social and economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and seek to establish and implement sustainable recovery plans", mentioned Mr Sergiu Sainciuc, the Deputy President of the National Confederation of the Trade Unions of Moldova.
The presentation of the methodology referred to the need of this methodology, why a social dialogue institution needs to carry out a self-assessment, which social dialogue institutions can apply it and what are the steps to follow.
“By conducting and acting on the results of self-assessment, a SDI should be capable to increase its inclusion and effectiveness. The ultimate goal is to enable countries to achieve fairer political outcomes from the social point of view and more sustainable from the economic one by strengthening the contribution of social dialogue institutions in the national policy-making processes. However, the evidence shows that policies developed through social dialogue, with the involvement of representative organizations of employers and workers together with the governments, provide better, fairer, and more sustainable results than those unilaterally designed by the government or imposed by an international institution without proper consultation with respective internal authorities", stated Violeta Vrabie, ILO Project Coordinator.
The participants in the meeting of the National Commission for Collective Consultations and Bargaining expressed their openness regarding the implementation of self-assessment methodology by social dialogue institutions.
The self-assessment method of social dialogue institutions was developed by the ILO with the financial assistance of Sweden and in partnership with representatives of social dialogue institutions and relevant international experts.
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