Press Release

More than 120 people are trained, with the ILO assistance, in view of opportunities to expand their businesses by accessing grants.

18 February 2022

  • During the 14-25th of February, the National Employment Agency (NEA) with the assistance of the International Labour Organization (ILO) is organizing an entrepreneurship training session for 59 persons wishing to start a new business and 65 employers wishing to expand their businesses and create jobs.

During the online seminars, the participants will debate about the evaluation of opportunities and identification of business ideas, marketing and promotion theories, financial management, quality and human resources management, business planning, business financing possibilities and other topics of interest related to entrepreneurship. The participants will also be helped to develop business plans for launching or updating and expanding their businesses. With these business plans, the unemployed willing to start a business would have the chance to get subsidies, according to the provisions of Article 39 of the Law on Employment, and the entrepreneurs will be able to access subsidies under Article 40 of the same law, providing for partial compensation of the cost of purchasing the raw material or equipment, provided that a job is created. Also, based on these business plans, the entrepreneurs would be able to apply for a subsidy or a loan, and the ILO, through the Local Employment Partnerships, to grant them subsidies for three months to employ unemployed persons. 

During the seminars, the participants will share their experience in accessing different funds. Also, the success stories of the entrepreneurs, who have already benefited from the opportunities to expand their business by accessing the subsidies for supporting the local initiative projects offered by the NEA, will be presented.  Such as the case of Victoria Muşinschi from Molovata Noua, Dubasari district, who, thanks to a grant, created jobs for 10 people and developed a tourist boarding house in her native town.

These seminars are part of a series of activities carried out by the NEA with the financial and methodological support of the ILO aimed to facilitate the creation of decent jobs. The budget provided by the ILO for the activities to carry out the active measures amounts to 122 thousand US dollars.  With this assistance, the NEA will implement the active measures provided for in the Law on Employment Promotion and Unemployment Insurance, namely: Article 39 providing advice and assistance for launching a business and Article 40 dealing with the support of local initiative projects.  These measures will help the persons wanting to start their own business, as well as the employers wanting to expand their business, purchase equipment and create new jobs.

Employers working in rural areas and wanting to employ the unemployed, registered by the territorial subdivisions of NEA, can submit their business plans to the NEA and benefit from a single subsidy: compensation of 65% of incurred expenses, but not more than 10 average monthly salaries in the economy, i.e. maximum 81,075 lei. The employer is obliged to maintain the created jobs for at least 12 months.

More information regarding the support of local initiative projects could be found in the Guide on accessing the measure  ”Support for local initiative projects”.


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Violeta Vrabie

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International Labour Organization

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