Molovata Noua Tourist Pension Is Settled By Dint Of A Job Creation Subsidy

Victoria Musinschi is 38 years old and she has recently opened a pension in her hometown - Molovata Noua, Dubasari district.
Prior to that, she worked for many years in a sanatorium. She really wanted to capitalize the accumulated experience and start her own business. She would have not been able to materialize this desire without the moral and financial support of her family. Both her mother and her husband worked abroad, and their savings were invested in a hotel, which, in the meantime, was transformed into a pension. Hence, the family hopes to be able to ensure a decent living at home.
„My husband has seen the situation abroad and decided to stay home, as well as my mother, who worked for many years in Italy. This is the choice of our family – to remain at home and build our future here” states Victoria.

The entrepreneurial beginning was not an easy thing, but with the help of Dubasari Territorial Employment Department and the financial subsidy amounting MDL 81,075 (i.e., USD 4,609) provided for by the National Employment Agency (NEA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), Victoria succeeded to develop her business and hire the needed staff. This subsidy is offered to employers with the purpose of hiring and (re) integration of people from categories needing additional support on the labour market.
The Molovata Noua pension has ten employees. Angela Axentiv is one of them, she is a hotel maid. The woman is happy to have a source of income, after she lost her job in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic: “I worked at the sanatorium. Then I was dismissed, and the technological unemployment occurred".
At present, the pension has ten rooms, a restaurant, a terrace, spaces for field or table tennis, a swimming pool and a landscaped space on the bank of the Dniester River. It opened its doors a month ago, but it is already accommodating an impressive number of visitors from both banks of Dniester.
Victoria Musinschi mentions that, at the beginning of the way, a business requires huge investments, and the obtained subsidy helped them to reduce this burden: “We will use some of these funds to renovate the pool and to purchase the necessary equipment for the landscape. We also envisage to digitalize our hotel system and change the design".

The subsidies offered by the NEA represent an active measure provided for by the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, which is being tested this year with the methodological and financial support of the ILO. Based on an Implementation Agreement, worth 122 thousand US dollars, the ILO is acting as the basic NEA partner in developing and implementing various employment policies.
You can find more details about the possibility of obtaining subsidies by contacting one of the Territorial Employment Subdivisions (you can find the addresses by accessing or by calling the Call Centre Labour Market, 08000 1000, free call from landline on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.