Press Release

Moldova will have a new long-term development strategy "Moldova 2030"

17 January 2019

The Republic of Moldova will have a new long-term national strategy, Moldova 2030. The Parliament approved today the document with the votes of 55 MPs. The strategic goal of the document is to improve the quality of life, and the National Development Strategy "Moldova 2030" will be the instrument for implementing the Agenda 2030 in the Republic of Moldova. Being a reference document for sectoral strategies, it aims at changing the optics of public policies in the Republic of Moldova by focusing on the problems, interests and aspirations of the people.

The strategic objectives of the document reflect the ten dimensions used to measure the quality of life according to EU standards. These aspects are:

  • increasing income from sustainable sources and mitigating economic inequalities;
  • increasing people's access to physical infrastructure for public utilities and living conditions;
  • improving working conditions and reducing informal employment; 
  • ensuring quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning opportunities;
  • ensuring the fundamental right to the best physical and mental health;   
  • a solid and inclusive social protection system; 
  • ensuring a balance between work and family;
  • ensuring effective and inclusive governance and rule of law;
  • promoting a peaceful, secure and inclusive society;
  • ensuring the fundamental right to a healthy and safe environment.

For each of the ten objectives, the current situation was analyzed, the most vulnerable groups in society were considered, the strategic vision and priority actions were formulated and the expected impact was described.

Also, the National Development Strategy "Moldova 2030" includes four pillars of sustainable development: sustainable and inclusive economy, robust human and social capital, honest and efficient institutions, healthy environment.

The strategy will be the reference document in the process of developping the Mid-Term Budgetary Framework. The National Development Strategy "Moldova 2030" will replace the current "Moldova 2020" strategy. At the same time, starting with next year, the National Strategy plans will develop national action plans for every three years.

The draft Strategy was developed with the support of the UN in an extended process of public consultations. 10 working groups, composed of representatives of responsible ministries, central administrative authorities representing related policy areas, local public administration, development partners, civil society, business and academia, contributed to the drafting of the project.

In September 2015, the Republic of Moldova, along with other 192 UN member states, adopted the Declaration of the Summit on Sustainable Development , which committed itself to implement Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Thus, by 2030, our country, along with the other countries, will mobilize its efforts to eliminate all forms of poverty, combat inequalities and tackle climate change.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative