Press Release

Twenty-five 3D-printed benches will be installed in Chisinau this spring

26 March 2019

Twenty-five 3D-printed benches made of concrete will be installed on the Mircea cel Batran Boulevard in Chisinau this spring. The benches are produced with the support of the “Sustainable Green Cities” project, funded by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Chisinau City Hall is the key project partner.

The benches are created using the 3 in 1 formula, incorporating in their structure the following elements: a recreational bench, a flower pot, and a garbage can. The benches are produced according to an innovative method – concrete construction created by 3D printing. The printer applies stratified mortar mixture through special nozzles. This technique ensures the creation of urban furniture of any shape, reduces construction time and costs. “The computer guides the printer’s work through a software. Using this technology, we ensure the uniformity of the process and a variety of forms. The process is automated, the only human intervention taking place at the periodic loading of the mortar feed system. It takes up to 8 hours to print a bench,” says Elena Meseat, executive director 3D Stroy SRL.

The company is the winner of a grant competition launched by UNDP in 2018, which comes to support new and innovative solutions for modern and environmentally friendly urban development. The total grant amount awarded to 3D Stroy was $7,700, the company coming with a contribution of $3,300.

“Through our work, we support innovative initiatives that respond to the challenges of urbanization, increase people's comfort and produce a positive impact on the environment,” notes Alexandru Rotaru, project manager UNDP Moldova.

The “Sustainable Green Cities” Project will launch a similar call for proposals in April. The announcement will be published on and Facebook Green City Lab page. The maximum amount of a grant is $8,000. The project proposals may be submitted by legal entities registered in the Republic of Moldova. Participants in the contest should themselves cover a minimum of 30% from the total project’s value. The initiatives accepted in the competition will cover the following areas:

1.         Urban mobility

2.         Waste management

3.         Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources use

4.         Sustainable Urban Planning

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative