Young volunteers will promote anticorruption messages in the educational institutions of the country
26 March 2019
- 16 young boys and girls from different localities in Moldova, volunteers of the National Anticorruption Centre, will contribute to preventing corruption and promoting integrity through innovative methods. With UNDP support, they will develop communication platforms and come up with ideas to combat informal fees, favouritism, cheating – practices which generate corruption in education.
One of the anticorruption volunteers, Ludmila Tcaciuc, student at the Law Faculty of the “A. Russo” University from Balti, states that she has never ever been in the situation to offer a bribe. “I have always wanted to obtain what I have only through honest methods. When I got enrolled at this faculty, I had to deal with the problem of informal fees, but I have resisted, and I did not give up my principles. Therefore, even though at the very beginning I was admitted to study on contract basis, now I have good results and I am financed from the public budget,” says Ludmila. The young lady envisages to organise together with other colleagues from the faculty several activities to raise awareness among teaching staff and students.
Another volunteer, Cristina Basenco, student at the Academy of Economic Studies in Moldova, got enrolled in the volunteering program to inform other people about the risks and the damages generated by corruption. “I really want to be able to change something in the institution from which I come. I am sure that I will have other students’ support, as my colleagues and I – we really want a decent future without any corruption”. Cristina is committed to organize an integrity campaign in the university. “We will formulate a commitment, and the ones who will sign it will become the anticorruption messengers in the institution”, says the young lady.
Eduard Groza, pupil at “Vasile Lupu” College from Orhei, notes that the change depends first of all on the young people. “It is not easy, but it is very necessary to stop certain negative practices that have existed for years in the education sector,” states the young man.
During the current year, with the support of the UNDP “Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the anticorruption volunteers will get involved in a number of activities for promoting academic integrity. They will organise information sessions, thematic games, flash-mobs, social theatres, and other innovative actions to contribute to eradication of practices generating corruption. At the same time, the volunteers will participate together with the employees of the National Anticorruption Centre (NAC) in conducting corruption prevention activities for the general population.
“Young people have huge potential. They may build confidence bridges and convey messages which would generate favourable changes and enhance integrity culture in the society. We support their endeavours and we encourage them to get engaged,” says Olga Crivoliubic, UNDP Moldova Project Manager.
The “Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova” Project is implemented by UNDP in partnership with the National Anticorruption Centre and the Ombudsperson’s Office, with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project will be implemented during 2019-2021 and will develop the capacities of the stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as from the civil society organizations, for efficient implementation of corruption prevention tools and standards.