Press Release

UNDP Moldova and e-Governance Agency launched the network of Media Ambassadors for Digital Transformation

18 September 2021

  • UNDP Moldova, in cooperation with the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Digitalization Office and the e-Governance Agency launched the network of Media Ambassadors for Digital Transformation.

The network gathers 14 journalists from 10 localities of the Republic of Moldova, selected based on an open completion. The members will benefit from several trainings in the field of electronic governance and related technological aspects, cyber security, protection of personal data, electronic trade, digital economy, open databases, online access to information, etc.

The first digital camp for the members of the Media Ambassadors for Digital Transformation was organized during 16-18 September 2021.

“We are determined to promote transparency, to be open for all types of investigations, and to offer openness for data that journalists need. Transparency is one of our principles, but to fulfill it, we need legal mechanisms that would ensure data security in digital environment,” stated Iurie Țurcanu, Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization.

“It is highly appreciated that journalists have taken over an active role in the digital transformation of the society. We are excited about the growth opportunities the digitalization can bring and mass-media’s involvement in this essential process,” mentioned Andrea Cuzyova, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Moldova.

The camp aimed to familiarize the journalists with the Government’s priorities in the digital transformation field, to present UNDP Moldova digital transformation program and the report on Digital Readiness Assessment performed by UNDP. At the same time, an overview was provided for existing and under-development digital solutions, including by specialized areas of intervention, implemented by ministries and agencies.

In the context of the need to implement a systemic and whole of society approach, special attention will be provided to private sector, educational institutions, and civil society in the digital transformation of the Republic of Moldova.


Laura Bohantova-avatar

Laura Bohantova

Communications Analyst, UNDP Country Office

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative