Government of the Republic of Moldova celebrates the Centenary of the International Labour Organization
17 May 2019
- The International Labour Organization (ILO), a UN specialized agency with general competence in labour and social security and protection celebrates its 100 th anniversary in 2019. On this occasion, today, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Trade Unions and Employer’s Organizations, in partnership with the ILO organized an international conference "Partnerships for a Changing World of Work"
The event was attended by Markus Pilgrim, Director of the ILO Decent Work Team for Central and Eastern Europe, representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP), ILO Geneva, Confederation of Employers, Trade Unions, central and local public authorities, international experts, as well as representatives of the civil society.
The participants discussed the policies and measures taken to ensure quality and competitiveness of the labor force in the Republic of Moldova, safety and health at work and strengthening the social dialogue for the future of work.
Mr. Pilgrim pointed out that “the Republic of Moldova is a priority country for the ILO in terms of technical assistance. In the framework of the Decent Work Country Program for 2016--2020, the organization offers assistance in promoting employment and enterprises development, social dialogue and effective industrial relations, and ensuring better working conditions”.
Ms. Silvia Radu, Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection noted that “with the support of the ILO, the Ministry elaborated and approved the National Employment Strategy for 2017-2021. The Law on Employment Promotion and Unemployment Insurance was complemented with a package of active employment measures, adapted to the needs of different categories of people.”
An innovative action for the Republic of Moldova in 2017 was piloting training of unemployed at the workplace. Two additional projects will be implemented this year: i) subsidized employment of persons requiring additional support on the labor market, and ii) subsidizing the expenses for the adaptation of work places to the needs of persons with disabilities. Also, there is focus on improving the functional capabilities of the public employment service, with an accent on youth.
Over the years, the ILO has been supporting social dialogue in Moldova, contributing to strengthening the capacities of social partners and promoting standards on occupational health and safety at work.
Looking back in history, the Republic of Moldova joined the International Labor Organization in 1992 and ratified 42 ILO Conventions. The organization is the only international institution operating on a tripartite principle, its programs formulated by the representatives of trade unions’ and employers' on equal terms with those of the government.
The mission of the International Labor Organization is to promote social justice and the rights of persons at work. The ILO's strategic objectives provide for the following: promoting and implementing international labor standards; creating more and better employment opportunities for women and men; increasing coverage and improving the effectiveness of social protection for all; and strengthening the tripartite mechanism and social dialogue.