Press Release

A sports facility was opened in Colibasi thanks to MDL 2.8 million investment

23 August 2018

  • A sports facility was opened on Diaspora Day in Colibasi village, Cahul district. Thanks to the joint efforts of natives who migrated all over the world and local authorities, over 6,000 local residents, as well as neighbouring localities will enjoy recreational public services and will be able to practice several types of sports.  

The sports facility is one of the three projects implemented with the support of the Colibasi natives. The establishment of the sports hall was possible with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland, in the amount of USD 20 thousand, offered through UNDP Moldova, and contribution of local authorities (about USD 4,500) and natives (about USD 15,000), as well as of other partners and donors.  

“The idea of this project came in 2016 following extensive consultations with our native residents, and the wish to provide better conditions for a healthy lifestyle to our people. Hence, we committed to rebuild the former non-functional movie theatre, which was possible with outstanding mobilization of natives,” said Ion Dolganiuc, mayor of Colibasi village.

The sports facility covers an area of about 200 square meters and includes spaces built according to state-of-the-art technologies. Hence, besides the space endowed with fitness equipment, the residents of different ages may perform other activities, such as sport dances, wrestling, athletics, gymnastics, etc. Also, visitors may play chess and draughts, and even visit the massage room to relax.  

“Through these projects implemented in their native localities, citizens show that they have the power to bring tangible changes in their localities. We are happy to note that the natives of Colibasi, as well as other 38 partner localities succeeded to get involved in local development and contribute to new local services, which surely will serve the community in the future,” said Oxana Maciuca, Manager of UNDP Project “Migration and Local Development”.

The contribution of migrants was not just financial s; they also offered expertise, knowledge and know-how. The design of the sports facility was fully developed by Tatiana Manoli, a migrant from Colibasi, who dedicated 300 hours of work to this architectural project.  

“The construction of the sports facility was included in the action plan 3 years ago, when the Association of Natives was established, aiming to strengthening the relation between the natives who migrated and local authorities. The Association has become a sustainable partner of the local authorities, and with the finalization of this project, the motivation of residents of Colibasi to get involved in local development is growing significantly,” said Corneliu Inje, President of the Association of Natives from Colibasi.

The sports facility was opened on Diaspora Day. The event was attended by more than 160 returned migrants. Sports competitions and a concert were organized on this occasion.

The opening of the sport facility is one of the 50 local development projects implemented jointly by local authorities and natives within the UNDP’s Migration and Local Development Project. Each local project was awarded a USD 20 thousand grant from the Government of Switzerland.

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United Nations Development Programme

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