Press Release

UN Human Rights Senior Expert Thomas Hammarberg visits Moldova on 28 May - 1 June 2018

28 May 2018

  • From May 28 to June 1, 2018, the UN Human Rights Senior Expert, Thomas Hammarberg is in Moldova as a follow on to three fact-finding missions that he conducted in 2012 and to assess the implementation of recommendations he made in 2013 that were meant to improve the human rights situation in the Transnistrian region. Following his previous missions, Thomas Hammarberg had developed an independent report encompassing facts and recommendations to improve the human rights situation on the left bank of the river Nistru.

During this mission, Mr. Hammarberg will hold high-level meetings and discussions with public authorities, representatives of civil society, the UN Country Team and the international development partners present in the country. He will visit a number of sites in the Transnistrian region, including penitentiaries and other places of deprivation of liberty.

Mr. Hammarberg will also visit some of the pilot localities where community-based services for persons with disabilities, in line with international human rights standards, are currently under development. Furthermore, he will visit a shelter for survivors of domestic violence. All the initiatives that are mentioned are being implemented by the UN with support of the Government of Sweden, Liechtenstein and the European Union.

Following the mission, the expert will develop a follow-on report that will be made available by the end of 2018.

This 2018 follow-up mission of Thomas Hammarberg is supported by the Embassy of Sweden in the Republic of Moldova.

UN Senior Expert Hammarberg’s extensive experience includes being the-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's appointed representative (SRSG) for human rights in Cambodia (1996-2000), and Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (2006-2012). Mr. Hammarberg served as Secretary General of the Stockholm-based Olof Palme International Center (2002-2005), Ambassador of the Swedish Government on Humanitarian Affairs (1994-2002), Secretary General of Save the Children Sweden (1986-1992), and Secretary General of Amnesty International (1980-1986). In 2001-2003, he served as Regional Adviser for Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. For several years, he was the Swedish Prime Minister's Personal Representative for the UN Special Session on Children.

As part of his mandate as Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg visited the Transnistrian region in January 2012, forming initial contacts in the region.

UN entities involved in this initiative

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Goals we are supporting through this initiative