Press Release

UN Moldova joins celebration activities of Europe Day 2018

12 May 2018

  • The United Nations (UN) in Moldova joins celebration activities of Europe Day 2018, this year marked by the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

On 12 May, the UN hosted a tent at the European Village in Chisinau, to showcase the impact of joint cooperation projects, aiming to boost confidence between people living on both banks of the Nistru river, to promote use of renewables, to sustain positive effect of migration, all these being grounded on people’s aspirations, the 2030 Agenda and the provisions of the European Union-Republic of Moldova Association Agreement.

Visitors learned more about the activities and main achievements of EU-UN Projects:

  • Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme (UNDP), aims to build confidence between people on both banks of the Nistru river, so that they cooperate more effectively and work together to improve their lives. In order to achieve this objective, the programme is oriented towards the involvement of local public authorities, civil society organisations, business communities on both banks of the Nistru river in joint activities on modernization of the infrastructure and on business development.
  • Construction of the Jointly Operated Border Crossing Point Palanca on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (UNDP), whose basic objective is to create from the ground a jointly operated border crossing point at Palanca, on the territory of Moldova. The new crossing point will be built respecting all European standards and principles on border control management, ensuring improved conditions for safe and transparent business and trade, movement of people and goods across the border and respecting the principles of gender, thus contributing to the stabilization and further development of the region. The project will also contribute to a wider objective, namely “safer and more open borders” between Ukraine and Moldova. The expected long-term impact is to contribute to the facilitation of trade and migration flows between two countries.
  • Moldova Energy and Biomass Project (UNDP), contribute to a more secure, competitive and sustainable energy production from biomass, the most readily available renewable energy source in the country. The project has laid the foundation for the development of bioenergy sector in Moldova, by connecting hundreds of public institutions to biomass heating systems, providing financial support for the launch of dozens of biomass processing and biofuel production businesses, as well as providing the platform for continuous trainings in the maintenance of new green technologies.
  • The Programme “Support for agriculture and rural development in ATU Gagauzia and Taraclia” (UNDP), aims to enhance collaboration between central and local authorities, and between regional organisations in Gagauzia and Taraclia district, in order to stimulate social and economic development of the region and of the Republic of Moldova as a whole. SARD programme implements activities related to the development of local entrepreneurial initiatives, community empowerment, renovation of infrastructure and the promotion of inter-municipal cooperation in ATU Gagauzia and Taraclia district.
  • Mobility for Development (IOM), aims at supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the Mobility Partnership EU-Republic of Moldova, in order to minimize the negative effects of migration and harness the benefits of migration for development purposes, as well as extend the benefits of the Mobility Partnership in the Transnistria region in order to contribute to confidence-building measures between the left and right banks, by reducing the social pressure caused by the unresolved conflict between the two societies.

The EU funded projects implemented by the United Nations greeted visitors with quizzes, debates about green energy, questionnaires, photo sessions. Products developed by young entrepreneurs that benefited from EU support to start and develop their business were exposed, as well.

The UN family co-hosted “Moldovan and Swedish Dads” photo exhibition stand, initiative of the Embassy of Sweden in the Republic of Moldova. The photo exhibition portrays 25 fathers from Sweden and 10 from the Republic of Moldova that are actively engaged in child care.

The UN will also participate at the European Village in Ungheni (19 May) and the European Film and Cultural Festival in Comrat (24 May) and Tiraspol (3 June). At the same time, a UN gender balanced team will compete at the traditional EU Football Tournament 2018, open for public authorities and development partners.

UN entities involved in this initiative

UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Population Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative