Press Release

First training course held for vocational training managers and committee members

18 April 2018

  • On 17-25 April, 2018, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Project “Promotion of youth employment” will organize a training course for skills committee’s members on Vocational Training.

The course is organized in the context of approving in 2017 of the Law on Skills Committees for Vocational Training, as well as of the bylaw on the state budget for the skills committees financing. The ILO offered its assistance in the design and promotion of the above-mentioned law.

The training course will consist of three sessions.The beneficiaries will be familiarised with the role, functions and duties of the Vocational Training Committee and will learn how to develop projects and activity plans based on the provisions of the legal and normative frameworks. The theoretical and interactive sessions will provide skills committee members with more information about the  interaction between the labour market and vocational training system, as well as about the modalities of financing the projects of the skills committees from the state budget.

The law on Sector Committees for Vocational Training aims to enhance and streamline collaboration between employees and employers for the development of technical vocational education and lifelong learning of specialists, according to labour market demands. The law is in line with the objectives set by the policies adopted in the field, specifically by the Strategy for the Development of Vocational and Technical Education 2013-2020 and by the National Strategy for Attracting Investments and Promoting Exports 2016-2020. 

The Employers’ and Trade Unions Organizations will create skills committees to develop social partnerships. In addition to matching initial and continuous vocational training of workers and specialists with labour market demands, they will contribute to the development of an informational and analytical support system for technical vocational education, starting with a needs assessment of the labour market. ​

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative