UN Moldova is launching the first national dialogue with the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
21 March 2018
Development partners and the private sector in Moldova are joining efforts to address society’s current challenges. On 20 March 2018, the first dialogue on the cooperation and contribution of the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) took place at the Tekwill Center.
Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call for action to end poverty, protect the climate and the planet and ensure peace and prosperity for the entire world population. Adopted on 25 September 2015 by UN member states, Agenda 2030 is based on 17 goals addressing interconnected areas such as education, economic growth, peace, justice, energy, climate, and so on.
“The private sector is an active promoter of modern technologies, high quality products and services, innovation and experimentation of new business processes and practices. The transformative impact of the private sector is notable and appreciated by the society," says Dafina Gercheva, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Moldova.
The dialogue session tackled both the challenges that can be addressed through joint efforts and the opportunities that companies can capitalize on in aligning their business strategies with the Sustainable Development Goals.
"It was a valuable event that brought together important private investors and helped us understand what the others are doing. It is also useful for development partners to identify a common subject on which we could work with the authorities and who could benefit from the expertise and best practices from abroad, "says Julien Ducarroz, General Manager, Orange Moldova.
Preliminary conclusions of the meeting highlighted the need to direct joint efforts to motivate staff, collaborate with higher education institutions to reduce discrepancy between graduate training and company needs, and provide online courses for as many beneficiaries as possible. The modernization of agricultural equipment, the application of new technologies and ICT solutions to the efficient use of water and energy resources are also subjects of increased interest.
"We contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We trust that considerable efforts must be made to develop the IT sector, which will ensure the well-being and prosperity of our country. Now we are bui
lding the first IT park in Moldova, which will create very good working conditions for those who want to work in this field, to provide IT services for companies from all over the world and to receive decent wages, here at home, in Moldova " says Aurelia Salicov, Deputy Director, Starnet.
The meeting between representatives of the development partners and those of the private sector in Moldova was organized within the framework of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project "Involving the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals", financed by the Impact Investment Facility of the Regional UNDP Office for Europe and Central Asia.
Companies wishing to participate in national cooperation dialogues and to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals are encouraged to contact UNDP Moldova.