Fast and secure exchange of data among police officers by using TETRA radio stations
23 January 2018
The U.S. Embassy together with UNDP Moldova have donated to the Police of the Republic of Moldova 56 TETRA radio stations (52 portable stations and 4 mobile stations).
The new equipment shall be used by the Police Special Squad “Fulger” (42 portable stations and 3 mobile stations), bike patrol service of the National Patrol Inspectorate (10 portable stations) and Forensic Centre of GPI (1 mobile station) in their daily activity.
TETRA radio stations allow police officers to quickly transfer or exchange data or make highly secured calls in less than 3 seconds, the information being encrypted. The police officers can also have fast and protected access to specific data bases necessary for their activity.
“A fast and secure communication among the Police units allow the police officers to intervene and offer prompt help to citizens when a dangerous situation occurs. It is necessary that all mobile patrols, local police officers, special mission police and other police officers to be equipped with this kind of equipment. By these means we will be able to increase the level of security of citizens and improve police efficiency”, mentioned Alexandru Pinzari, Chief of Police.
Built-in GPS allows to permanently locate the police officer or the vehicle using special applications. An important feature of TETRA portable stations is the “man down” functionality that reports the absence of moves or abnormal moves of the police officer or that the body is in the horizontal position for a long time by making an emergency call or sending a message to the command unit with GPS data included.
At the same time, these radio stations can be used at full capacity in emergency situations, natural or human caused disasters or during tough weather conditions.
The total value of the equipment offered to the national police through the UNDP Project “Support to police reform in Moldova”, funded by the U.S. Government, is USD 70,000.
At present, only 512 out of almost 9000 police officers are equipped with TETRA radio stations. Within the police reform the Ministry of Internal Affairs foresees to extend the TETRA communication network that will cover the needs of Police, but also of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and General Inspectorate of Border Police that use the same type of communication.