Press Release

UNDP awarded the best journalist investigations related to corruption in 2017

15 December 2017

  • The authors of the best 9 journalist investigations related to corruption were awarded today by UNDP Moldova in the context of observing the International Anticorruption Day of 9 December.

The investigations were selected out of the 45 articles submitted for the contest organized by the UNDP Project “Strengthening the Corruption Prevention and Analysis Functions of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC)”, implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Norway.

The contest was organized for the second year in a row and aims to encourage investigation journalism in elucidating corruption cases and promoting the cooperation of public authorities with mass-media for creating the “zero tolerance” to corruption climate.

Stefan Liller, the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, mentioned that corruption is recognized as a global problem and the fight against it is included in the new Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. “We want to acknowledge publicly the efforts undertaken by investigative journalists in Moldova to expose corruption and to increase public awareness about it. Corruption crimes often remain unknown to the public and journalists sometimes even put themselves in danger in the process of investigating and exposing them”, Stefan Liller said.

A number of 20 journalists, including teams of authors, participated in the contest of this year, submitting 45 investigation materials fulfilled and published during January – October 2017 related to corruption, fraudulent management of public money and patrimony, undeclared business and property, organized crime and money laundry schemes.

The jury composed of mass-media representatives and anticorruption experts assessed the investigation materials depending on the complexity of investigation, quality of documentation, originality of the subject, social value, instruments for data presentation and viewing, as well the observance of professional and ethical standards in the documentation process.

The following investigations were awarded:

First prize award

1)         “Traffic Surveillance Cameras, a Project killed by Interests”, author Victor Mosneag, in partnership with Anatolie Esanu;

2)         “Chisinau Parks, under the Blade of Interests”, author Anastasia Nani;

3)         “Bribe in Agriculture: 20 000 € and a Mercedes”, authors Inna Civirjic, Ion Preasca, Liuba Sevciuc (RISE Moldova).

Second prize award

1)         “Following the Billion. Whose Pockets the Public Money got in”, author Mariana Rata;

2)         “Judges’ House, built on a Site offered without tendering, based on a groundless Request”, author Viorica Zaharia;

3)         „Şor Shops: Electoral Business at the Expense Retired Persons”, author Anatolie Esanu.

Third prize award

1)         “Till the first Earthquake” author Igori Fomin;

2)         “Made in Parliament”, author Iurie Sanduta

3)         “Incomes, Property and Business. “SP” checked the Declaration of Balti Police Head”, author Sergiu Pascari.

"Investigative journalism is not romantic. I think that me, my family, my country should live in a normal and civilized society, and for this, first of all, my duty is to make an effort. The goal of investigative journalism, as I understand it, is that we create civil society in Moldova. I would like that after every journalistic investigation, if an official of any rank is found guilty – he or she has to resign, as in Europe, as in the United States of America, as everywhere in the civilized world. For me this is the purpose of my activity", said Igor Fomin, journalist "Logos Press", editor in chief of

The winning journalists obtained valuable awards, such as video cameras, modern laptop, and professional photo cameras.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

Goals we are supporting through this initiative