Press Release

Join the Campaign #16days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Check out the calendar of events

26 November 2017

  • Following the solidarity concert on 24 November 2017, when the United Nations Organisation and the Embassy of Sweden in Moldova launched the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Global Campaign, the events for the 16 days continue in full swing. See the list of next events:

28 November, Tekwill, Chisinau. Public Dialogue “You Are Not Alone: United to End Violence Against Women and Girls”. Dialogue between the civil society and the government representatives about preventing and eliminating violence against women. The play „Iubirea nu doare” [„Love does not hurt”] – produced on the basis of the experience of women who overcame domestic violence – will be performed at the event. The event is organised by UN Women, together with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection and the „Life Without Domestic Violence” National Coalition.

27 November – 10 December, Republic of Moldova. The Social Theatre Festival will bring together 12 teams of young people from all across the country which, through their theatrical performances, will share their visions regarding health, abuse and violence and will come up with solutions to overcome them. The event is organised by the United Nations Population Fund together with Y-Peer and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

27 November – 10 December. Public Lessons in 5 Universities Across the Country: ULIM (27 November), Moldova State University (29 November), Moldova Technical University (8 December), „Alecu Russo” University from Balti and in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (dates to be confirmed). The lessons are organised by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and by the „Life Without Domestic Violence” National Coalition.

13 December, Chisinau. The Parliamentary Committee on Social Protection, Health and Family of the RM Parliament, alongside the Dialogue Platform for Women MPs, will hear the Annual Report on Ending Domestic Violence and will review the regional anti-violence fora, organised by the Parliament and Women's Law Centre in several districts of the country during October-December 2017.

24 November – 10 December. Fund raising campaign for a woman who survived domestic violence and sexual abuse. During the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, everyone can make a donation through the online platform, to help a woman survivor of violence buy a house for her and her children.

About the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign which takes place each year and runs from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to 10 December, the Human Rights Day. This campaign is conducted in Moldova for the 17th consecutive year by the Government, local authorities, international organisations, the civil society and by citizens of Moldova. More than 70 events and activities will have been conducted in the entire country. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness about preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls.

Here is how you can support this cause:

  1. Orange your office, logos or wear orange clothes, as orange is the colour of the campaign. This colour symbolizes a bright, optimistic future and a life free of violence against women and girls.
  2. Address in mass-media articles the topic of eliminating gender-based violence, and speak up.

In Moldova, two out of three women have gone through at least one form of domestic violence from their partner, during their lifetime.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Population Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative