Press Release

Employers to receive subsidies for employing persons with disabilities and unemployed from vulnerable groups

05 July 2019

  • Two programs to facilitate the employment of unemployed were launched today by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MHLSP) and the National Employment Agency (NEA), with the assistance of the International Labour Organization (ILO) project "Promotion of Youth Employment".

The two programs will be implemented in six months as pilot projects. They will provide subsidy for socially vulnerable people and for employers for the creation or adaptation of jobs for persons with disabilities. 135 persons, aged 18 - 35, at risk of social exclusion, including unemployed people with disabilities registered with NEA will become beneficiaries of the program.

Ms. Ala Nemerenco, Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection, mentioned that the programs are for people in need of the support of state institutions for their employment.

"These two active measures are part of the action plan designed by the new Law on employment promotion and unemployment insurance and the National Employment Strategy for 2017 – 2021. They are aimed at reintegrating persons from the categories at risk of social exclusion, promoting the employment of persons with disabilities, who are at present practically outside the labour market, as well as strengthening the collaboration between employers and NEA".

According to Ms. Raisa Dogaru, NEA director, the institution will take into account the labour force demand and offer, and the economic areas with an acute shortage of labour. It will select the economic entities and job seekers to be included in the program. The economic entities

willing to employ unemployed from vulnerable groups, will benefit from monthly subsidies equal to 30% of the average monthly wage for six months, for every unemployed person hired.

The program assists the following categories of unemployed: persons with disabilities, persons released from detention, victims of human trafficking, persons struggling with substance abuse, victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable groups. The subsidy will be granted

for partial compensation of unemployed wage.

The employers who will create or adapt jobs for persons with disabilities will benefit from a 50% compensation of the cost for creating or adapting the work place. The amount of subsidy will not exceed the amount of 10 months average wage.

Ms. Ludmila Iachim, executive director of the Association “Motivation”, said that although there are several laws in Moldova that guarantee the right of people with special needs on the job market, the majority of employers avoid hiring them. "We hope that these programs

will stimulate the employment of persons with disabilities and deconstruct the stereotypes that all people with special needs are incapable and not worth hiring. They often turn out to be good professionals, talented and responsible employees".

The pilot programs will be carried out with the financial and methodological support of the ILO, within the project "Promotion of Youth Employment". Ms. Violeta Vrabie, project coordinator, mentioned that these programs represent only some of the actions supported by the ILO in Moldova aimed to generate more and decent jobs for the population, especially for youth from vulnerable groups. The ILO has provided $150 000 for piloting these two subsidy programs.

UN entities involved in this initiative

International Labour Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative