Press Release

With the support of the EU, inhabitants of Serpeni village will practice sports in a modern facility

20 June 2017

  • The village of Serpeni, Anenii Noi district, will soon have a modern sports facility. The building that will be put into operation by the end of this year has training rooms for children and adults and will host local and regional competitions with the participation of athletes from both banks of Nistru River. The construction of the facility has been abandoned for a long time - about 20 years. The value of the European Union investment is 180,164 euros, and was provided under the "Support to confidence building measures" Programme, implemented by the UNDP.

The decision to attract investments for the sports facility was taken after a public consultation with all residents of the village. "Even if our community has more challenges to address, people agreed that we need an area where sports can be practiced by everyone: young people and elderly ones, local people and those who live on the left bank of the Nistru River", says Elena Nicolaev, the head of the town.

Locals volunteered to participate in demolition and waste disposal works. The community contribution to this project is about 43,960 euros. The Community Hall will also cover the expenses related to the proper functioning of the facility. "It was a damaged construction, weathered by weeds. It is a great joy that we can bring it to life", says Elena Nicolaev.

Renovation works started in December 2016. Starting with October this year, several sports sections - football, basketball, volleyball, Greco-Roman wrestling - will function here. Two local sports teachers that currently work in the local secondary school will be hired as coachers, as well as four other specialists from the district center.

Inhabitants of Serpeni practice many sports. There are four football teams in the village – for seniors, juniors and veterans, so as a team of girls. Traditionally, volleyball, basketball, and free wrestling tournaments are organized in the locality. Thanks to the new sports facility, trainings and sports competitions will be organized throughout the year.

As project aims to increase confidence between both banks of Nistru River, the head of the community is convinced that the new sports facility and its activities will be attractive for the people who live on the left bank of Nistru River. "We organize joint events with inhabitants of Speia village, from the left bank. They visit us especially at football competitions. We hope they will be interested in other sports as well", mentioned Elena Nicolaev.

The construction of the sports facility in Serpeni is one of the over 80 infrastructure objects renovated through the European Union funded "Support to confidence building measures" Programme, implemented by UNDP Moldova. The Programme contributes to enhancing confidence between people living on both banks of the Nistru River by involving the representatives of local communities, business environment, and civil society in joint projects of business development and social infrastructure improvement.

UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Development Programme

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