For home with love: Ialoveni benefits from street lightening and shall generate more income for the local budget, due to a tower crane procured for high works
19 August 2019
- Natives from Ialoveni contributed with over 2,500 USD, supporting their local public administration to procure a tower crane for executing height works. The Government of Switzerland offered via the United Nations Development Programme, a grant of 20,000 USD, on top of the 2,500 USD allocated by the city hall local budget and the contributions of the population.
As a result, Ialoveni becomes one of the few cities that owns a tower crane. The use of the machine will generate economies in the local budget of up to 500 thousand lei annually. Overall, the provision of specialized services with this equipment shall bring annual incomes to the local budget amounting to 528 thousand lei.
“Ialoveni is one of the 23 localities from Republic of Moldova which demonstrated that natives’ engagement in local development is possible. It is an unprecedented mobilization, with substantive results, bringing positive changes in the life of people residing in the community”, says Olesea Cazacu, Manager of the UNDP Migration and Local Development Project.
The “Ialoveni High” event, conducted on 30 June, marked the launch of a wide variety of services to be delivered at local level, via the newly acquired equipment. With the help of the tower crane, various reparation height works will be executed, such as change of led and lamps, placement of banners, trees’ cleaning and spraying works.
“This tower crane is indispensable for any local public administration, but especially for cities. With the help of this tower crane, it will be possible to change in due time 2,000 lamps yearly, to clean over 550 massive trees likely to be dangerous and situated around 3 kindergartens, 5 schools, a district hospital but also along public streets. We are grateful to each contributor who helped to raise Ialoveni high up to the standards of developed cities around the world”, says Sergiu Armasu, mayor of Ialoveni.
During the first year of activity of the Associations of Natives who left Ialoveni, established with the support of the Migration and Local Development Project, a number of projects were implemented, including a playground for children, a Greco-Roman wrestling competition, which resulted in a donation of sport equipment and dotation of a sport room. “We obtained investments for arranging the city through plantation of a floral décor at the main city roundabout. For the current year, we plan to conduct a wide variety of activities, as a trustful partner for the city’s development” mentions Tatian Vrajmas, President of the Association of Natives who left Ialoveni.
The “Ialoveni High” event is part of the Campaign “Growing home with love”, where 23 hometown associations in partnership with local authorities, are launching joint projects aiming to improve the life of over 200 thousand persons from 23 localities. These people shall benefit from local infrastructure improvement projects and from better life conditions. Hence, over 792 thousand USD are being invested in 18 villages and 5 cities from the country. Out of this amount, 118 thousand USD were donated by migrants, via Guvern24 crowdfunding platform, 214 thousand were allocated by local governments and 460 thousand USD – by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, through the UNDP Migration and Local Development Project.
The 23 projects were selected based on large consultations with natives abroad and local community. To ensure transparency, local public administration informs the population on the progress of funds’ management, through social networks, live sessions, informative banners and press releases.
These 23 partner localities of the Migration and Local Development Project were selected on a competitive basis in 2015.